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Riley's POV

Do you ever wake up dreading the day ahead. That's how I feel every single morning. You see I am the only person from A-Troupe who goes to my school and I don't really have any friends. Also there is this group of girls that bully me physically and mentally. I wish that they would stop but they never do. The worst part is no one out of school knows, not even James. It happens all day, constantly, students just walk passed and don't even try to help. After lying in bed for a few minutes I get up and get dressed into jeans, a t-shirt and a long hoodie mostly to cover the bruises on my arms from the bullies. After I am ready I head out of the door and walk to school. I manage to make it through till lunch without them seeing me. Luckily I get to leave at the end of lunch every Tuesday for rehearsals. So I don't have much longer. I might make it though the day without them seeing me but of course that is all in my head.

Keira: oh Riley!

Oh no Keira. She is the head of the little gang.

Keira: forgetting something?

I turn around coming face to face with Keira, Olivia, Mollie and Beth. If you are wondering, yes it is the same Beth from the next step.

Riley: what do you want?

After saying that I instantly regret it feeling someone's fist, most likely Beth's, come in contact with my face. Then the rest of them join Beth in beating me up. I shut my eyes trying to stop the tears threatening to spill as they carry on.

Giselle's POV

I just moved schools and right now it is lunch and I have to leave soon for rehearsals. As I am walking to my locker I hear a familiar voice.

Riley: please stop please...

Wait that's Riley. As I listen more closely I hear crying. I walk closer to the corridor Riley is in and see four girls hitting and punching her. I instantly reach for my phone calling James praying that he will pick up. Eventually he picks up.

James: hey Giselle what's up?

Giselle: meet me outside the studio in 15 minutes. It's about Riley.

I hang up before he could even make a noise. I made my way over to the girls. I recognise one of them. She looks like... Beth. This is definitely not good.

Giselle: leave her alone!

They turned around and looked scared. I'm a senior and they are juniors. Also I can look pretty intimidating at times.

Riley: G...Giselle

I run over to Riley and give her a hug. She looks awful. She has a black eye, a cut lip and bruises all up her arms.

Giselle: you better get out of here now or your gonna have to deal with me!

They all run off like scared little kids. I now turn my attention to Riley.

Giselle: I called James to meet us outside the studio. Let's go.

We both stand up to go and as we start heading out Riley's legs give in. We just about make it to my car. When we get in Riley starts to cry. I drive to the studio. When we pull up I see James waiting outside looking really worried. As he sees me pull up he notices Riley and immediately runs over and carries her to studio A. I follow him up still worried about Riley. As we enter studio A everyone else is already there stretching. They all look up at the door and see us there. Their eyes automatically land on Riley. James sets Riley down on a bench and sits next to her. She sits cuddled up to James crying into his chest while he rubs circles on her back in an attempt to calm her down. Miss Kate comes out of the office unaware to anything that's going on when she notices the scene she pulls Riley and James into her office.

Kate's POV

Riley sits on James lap still crying just not as much as just now.

Miss Kate: Riley what's wrong?

Riley: well... ever since eighth grade this group of girls have bullied me. At first it was just stuff like you stink or you can't dance. But when I started my sophomore year it started to gat a lot worse. They started hitting me and attacking me. She said that if I told anyone she would hurt James and I couldn't let her do that.

Miss Kate: who Riley?

Riley: I...i can't say

James: Ri please tell us?

Before she said anything her gaze fell on the door and she looked terrified. I turned to see Beth, one of the B-Troupers stood there.

Miss Kate: Beth go away I'm busy

Beth: no I won't go away. That worthless piece of crap doesn't need any attention.

Then it all clicks. BETH. The bully.

Kate: Beth get out of my office now. I am calling your parents as soon as I am done here.

Beth runs out of my office to studio B. Good riddance.

Miss Kate: Riley, who are the others?

Riley: Olivia Brown, Mollie Abbott and Keira Baxter.

Kate: Riley, I'm going to call Emily to tell her what happened. James could you take Riley to the hospital to get checked up.

James: ok

They get up and James carries Riley out. She doesn't deserve any of this. Poor girl. Now I have to call Beths parents. This should be... interesting.

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