See you again pt 2

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So sorry meant to update this yesterday but when i went to publish it i found out that it had deleted it so i had to rewrite it this afternoon.

Miss Kate's POV

It is now ten forty-five and loads more people have just walked in. Amy, Alfie, Cassie, Henry, LaTroy, Sloane, Piper, Richelle and Skylar. It's crazy. That in only a few years so many people have passed through TNS.

PIper's POV

I'm so excited to see the zero percent club. Since Cassie and Sloane left we kept in touch and still met up just not as much as we would have liked to.

Piper: Hey guys

Cassie: hey Piper how are you?

Piper: I'm good thanks

Sloane: its been so long since we all hung out. So what's new?

Amy: well after east and west joined forces Michelle and Emily were fired for letting Richelle dance with an injury. So then Miss Kate got a replacement called Miss Angela who was absolutely horrid. She favoured Lily who was her daughter but we didn't know that so then Piper called her out about it and then Miss Angela was really horrible to her so she left. Then we got Miss Angela fired and Michelle and Emily came back and so did Piper. Then i left to go to a new studio called AcroNation. So then The Next Step and AcroNation went to Regionals and The Next Step won. After they won Noah left and so did Jacquie and i came back. Then Michelle left and Miss Kate sold the studio to Nick. Who by the way has no clue about dance. Then Lily came back. Then when we were preparing for Nationals Nick told us they we had an audition for DanceMania. So we did that and got in. But we couldn't go to Nationals and DanceMania it was one or the other. So we chose DanceMania. So Nick got B-Troupe to start preparing to go to Nationals. The Michelle came and offered Emily to be the manager of her tour which happened around the same time that Nick offered Emily 50% studio ownership. Then Richelle left to be a soloist at DanceMania. Then there was a lot and when i say a lot i mean A LOT of boy drama. Then we went to DanceMania and both TNS and Richelle got to the finals. Before the finals we worked out that if we won and signed the contract with Mari it would ruin our lives so, we teamed up eith Richelle in the finals and we were bot disqualified. At the end of the dance Emily left to go do the tour with Michelle. And finally we worked out that we could now go to Nationals. But B-Troupe were going so Nick had a huge decision to make and that is were we are now.

As i look over to Sloane and Cassie they look really stunned

Piper: that about sums it up.

Amy: oh and Piper has a boyfriend!

Cassie: OMG who?

Sloane: spill girl

Piper: well his name is Fin he is a dancer on a-troupe so he should be here soon. He is a good singer. Oh and h dated Amy first.

Cassie: isn't stealing your BFF's boyfriend a bit low Piper?

Amy: guys its fine. Anyway i also have a boyfriend

Sloane: let me guess Henry?

Amy: yes how did you know

Sloane: i know everything and maybe Henry told LaTroy who told me.

Riley's POV

Right now i am sat down trying to avoid Alfie. I know for a fact he still likes me. He keeps trying to text me and get me to break up with James and get back together with him. I really don't want to do that.

Alfie: hey Ri

Riley: don't call me Ri

Alfie:come on you know you like it

Riley: just go away

Alfie: why? You love me

Riley: Alfie i love James not you

Alfie: you sure Ri

Alfie is really starting to scare me now. I wish James would come back.

James: oi get away from her!

Alfie: why should i?

James: because if you don't i will I know your royal ass all the way back to Switzerland so hard you wont be able to move!

With that Alfie was off.

Riley: thanks Jay

james: no problem, he didn't hurt you did he?

Riley; no we are just fine

Noah's POV

It's so great to be back. I miss TNS. It was basically my home for years and now it isn't. But life outside TNS is also pretty awesome.

Henry: hey man

Noah: hey. How's it going?

Henry: Good. How's life away from TNS treating you?

Noah: good. Jacquie and i have an audition for a dance tour in a few days.

Henry: sounds good man

Noah: what about you?

Henry: well i am dating Amy now

Noah: you finally got the girl

Henry: yeah i did

Daniel's POV

Right now i am at the next step A-Troupe reunion. I look around at everyone chatting and my eyes fall on Giselle. She used to be my best friend. I really we her an apology.

Daniel: hey Giselle can we talk?

Giselle: ok... just give me one second. I'll talk to you later Thalia

Thalia: ok see you around

Giselle: what do you wanna talk about?

Daniel: i just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything

Giselle: its fine Daniel. I already forgave you.

Daniel: when?

Giselle: at Internationals, when you sent me that video. You saved us.

Daniel: thanks

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