Shhhh part 1

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So this one is a bit different instead of it being the characters it is the actors.

Britt POV

Today some of the cast are going over to Jordan's house to hang out. It's just me, Alex, Vic, Isaac, Lamar, Logan, Jennie, Zac, Jordan of course and ... Trev. So Trev and I have been dating for a few months now but no one knows. I want to tell everyone just not yet. Anyway I look out the window of my car and realise I'm at Jordan's house. I get out and go to knock on the door when I see Trevor next to me.

Trev: Hey B

Britt: Het Trev

I stand on my tiptoes and share a sweet but quick kiss with Trev. I pull away just as the door swings open to reveal a certain bubbly redhead and before I know it Jordan has trapped me in a bone crushing hug.

Jordan: hey it s been so long how are you guys?

She releases me and grabs Trevor pulling him in for a hug.

Britt: I'm good

Trev: me too

Jordan: come in

We followed Jordan into the lounge and were met by everyone else. We all said hello and greeted each other. We caught up for a bit. After a while Alex pulled me aside.

Alex's POV

Ever since Trevor and Brittany showed up, Britt has been acting weird and I think it has something to do with Trevor. I am going to talk to Brittany.

Alex: Britt what's going on between you and Trevor?

She looks down at her hands and starts to fidget with her rings. She always does that when she is nervous or hiding something.

Alex: Britt...

Britt: ummm...uhhh...nothing

I narrow my eyes at her because I'm not buying it.

Alex: Britt spill

Britt: well...umm...

Just as we are getting somewhere Logan calls us to come and play a game.

Britt's POV

Phew get out of that one alright but knowing Alex she will keep asking till I tell her. I walk back to the lounge and sit down.

Logan: so what game should we play?

All of a sudden everyone starts yelling out different games, until we decide on spin the bottle.

Jenny: so the rules are simple, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to ask a question.

Victoria: I'll start

Vic spun and it landed on Alex.

Victoria: Alex who is your favourite ship on TNS.

Alex: easy westmily

There were a few oohs from the boys until Alex told them to zip it. Next was Isaac.

Alex: uhh...what was it like to have your dad on set as the evil guy?

Isaac: it was really weird and a bit annoying

Next ups was Trev

Isaac: have you ever liked a cast mate.

Oh no. I saw Trev glance to me and I nodded to him. Thankfully no one saw.

Trev: yes

Isaac: who was it?

Hey sorry I haven't been around lately. I was really busy with school and I wasn't very well. I will have part 2 up later.
Izzy xx

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