In the future

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So this one shot is based off of a book I wrote about TNS in the future so yeah.

Noah's POV

The auditions are over and now Piper, Jacquie and I are deciding who should be on the regionals team.

"So she did really well but she struggled with the choreo," said Jacquie pointing at the photos on the desk.

" yeah I agree, she's good but not good enough," agreed Piper.

We carried on talking like this for around ten minutes until we had finally got our team for regionals.

"So this is the team?" Asked Jacquie.

"Yeah this is it," I replied.

Carlan's POV

I was just talking with Emma and Izzy, who are my friends from school and are on b-troupe, when Noah, Jacquie and Piper come out of the office.

"Alright dancers gather round we are ready to announce who will be on a-troupe this year!" Announces Noah.

As everyone heads over I start to get really nervous. I really hope I make it. It would be my first time on a-troupe.

"Ok if your name is called please come and stand over here, you all did an amazing job so don't be disappointed but if you didn't make it there is always next year," says Piper.

"The team is Addi, Ben, Hayley, Quinn, Josh, Lottie, Frankie, Lucas, Maddison and finally Carlan!"

I made a-troupe. OMG I made a-troupe I'm so happy. But none of my friends made it, everyone is like 15 or 16 but I'm 14. I really hope I make some friends.

After everyone who didn't make it has left Noah calls us all over to the middle to tell us the rehearsal schedule and all the information that we need to know but after that is done we are allowed to go home. I wait by the door for Addi while she says goodbye to all her friends. When we get home Mom and Dad are in the kitchen making dinner. Well more like mom is making dinner and dad is just annoying her.

"Hey girls how did the auditions go?" Asked mom.

"They went really well we both made a-troupe," replied Addi.

"That's incredible I'm so proud of you two!" Exclaimed dad.

"Mom could I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

"Sure," We headed into my room and sat on the bed.

"What's wrong care bear?" Asked Mom. She has used that nickname for as long as I can remember and she is also the only person I let call me that.

"I guess I feel like I only made a-troupe because I'm Addi's sister and Piper's niece. I mean I messed up in my audition, everyone else did better than me yet I made it. I feel like I don't deserve it," I say starting to get worked up. Mom notices and pulls me into a hug.

"Carlan, you are so unbelievably talented. You are an incredible dancer and singer. If you saw what everyone else saw, you would see beauty, kindness, talent and so much more. Don't ever don't doubt yourself. I know what you feel like though, when I was in a-troupe my sister did auditions for line placements and I did awful I thought I was for sure going to be in the back row but Emily put me in the front. After that I doubted myself but your dad convinced me that I got into a-troupe on my on accord. But anyways if you don't want to be on a-troupe this year then you don't have to but just remember that this is a great opportunity!"

" thanks Mom I think I will give it a go!" I reply.

Riley's POV

" thanks Mom I think I will give it a go!"

I'm really proud of her. As she leaves James comes in and sits next to me.

"She'll be ok you know," James says. I sigh.

"I know it's just I wish they were still little. I miss having little kids round here," I reply.

"Me too,"

"Not for long,"

"What do you mean Ri?" James asked sounding super confused.

"I mean there will be another one here in a few months."

"Ri are you serious?" Asked James excitedly.

"Yeah!" Before I know it James has attached his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

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