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As promised on Saturday both boys made their way to the park. What surprised jungkook was that there was no one in the park, even though it was a Saturday.
Well, better for us, jungkook thought to himself

"Kookie, I go on slide, bye bye." Taehyung said as he tried running away, but jungkook was quick to slow him down.

"Baby, I know you are excited but no running carelessly, hmm? Kookie doesn't want his angel to fall and get hurt, so please be careful, okay?" Jungkook asked as he held the boy's face in his hands.

"Caweful, caweful, pwomise. TaeTae good boy." Taehyung stated proudly making jungkook chuckle and kiss his forehead.

"TaeTae best boy. Now you go play, I'll be sitting right there." Jungkook pointed to the bench. After a cute nod and goodbye, Taehyung walked away to the slide.

Jungkook had some school work to do, so he had carried his laptop with him. He went to sit on the bench, as he worked. However, even during working he made sure to keep an eye on his baby.

His heart almost jumped out his mouth when he saw his little one jump down the slide mid way.
"Tae! Oh my god!" Jungkook ran to the slide to check on him, only to find the troublemaker giggling.

"It was fun!" Taehyung laughed as he watched jungkook checking him for any injuries.

"Fun?! Where did you even learn that?? No jumping off the slide, sugar. Look how high that was." Jungkook fussed, it wasn't that high, but you couldn't blame him, he was only scared for his baby.

"Sowwyyyy. No do again." Taehyung said, then pulling on Jungkook's hand, "Go to swing now, pwease. You push TaeTae."

Jungkook just sighed but with a small smile followed the boy. Whipped. On reaching the swing, Tae sat while jungkook stood behind him.

"Ready, angel? Hold tight." Jungkook instructed as he pushed the swing slightly.

"Faster, pwease." Tae requested and then laughed happily when his wish was granted. "Kookie i can see plane! There there." Taehyung tried pointing to the aeroplane with his head.

Jungkook looked on top too, seeing the plane flying overhead. "Ahhhh, nice." The elder chuckled because he didn't know what else to say.

"Push higher, pwease, TaeTae touch plane." Taehyung said determinedly.

"You can't touch the plane, sweet. It's too high." Jungkook explained, mentally fonding over the boy's innocent words.

"TaeTae wanna touch." The little boy pouted, and then watched sadly as the plane finally disappeared from sight. Jungkook felt bad too, so pulling the swing to a stop, he picked up the boy bridal style.

Taehyung gasped in surprise when he was picked up but then a boxy smile made a way onto his face when he saw the elder smiling down to him.

"Hi kookie." Taehyung giggled, wrapping arms loosely around the man's neck.

"Hi baby, you look so precious smilimg, darling. Do not pout okay?" Jungkook brushed his nose against the younger's.

"But plane...TaeTae want." Taehyung said, looking on top again.

"Awwhhh. How about i buy you a nice toy plane? My little Tae can have his own plane, hmm." Jungkook spoke in a baby voice making Taehyung clap his hands happily.

"Yes yes, plane." Taehyung cheered, and so jungkook promised him he will get a new plane toy the next time they meet.

"Now how about you go play in the bouncy castle? Call me if you need anything, okay bubba?" Jungkook put the boy down.

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