Lunch time

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"God! I hate maths, Tae!" Jimin groaned on the phone. "Why can't we just drop this subject from the very beginning, I plan to drop it in college anyway!"

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh at his dramatic friend. Personally he didn't mind maths. It was difficult sometimes, he'll admit but he did well on most of his exams.

"It will get easier if you practice, jiminie. You hardly open your book after school. You obviously forget most things in class by then." Taehyung explained, but it went to deaf ears as Jimin groaned again.

"Maybe I should ask yoongi hyung to help me. He's good with numbers." Jimin said. Yoongi was their senior in school. He was known to hate everyone who even breathed next to him. It was a miracle how he was friends with Jimin and Taehyung.

Yoongi met Jimin in a rather odd way. He was practicing for his music class. Playing the piano, he was softly humming, trying to master the song he had created. Just as he was jotting down the lyrics, the music room door swung open. There stood jimin, earphones plugged in.

"Music room is closed after school hours, please leave." He said. He was annoyed someone was disturbing him.

"How come you're here then?" The boy sassily replied.

"I have permission from the music teacher." Yoongi pulled out a green pass. Jimin assumed it was some kind of permit. Little did he know, it was just piece of paper yoongi used to doodle in science class.

"See, I won't disturb you. But I kinda don't have anywhere to go. My mom joined here as a nurse today. So she's busy with the formalities. I'll leave as soon as she's done." Jimin explained. Before yoongi could even protest, jimin was already pulling out a chair in the corner.

Yoongi let out a defeated sigh, "Don't make any sound, Am I clear?"
Jimin pretended to zip his lips and lock them, throwing the key.

Yoongi got back to playing. His fingers
creating magic with every note he played. He was ending the set and the claps resonated.

"That was so good! You're like a pro! You play like people on the TV, the one with massive pianos! You should do that! I'd clap for you there, too!  I thought you were just messing around at first. I'm impressed" Jimin said, clapping once more. Yoongi simply rolled his eyes. And that's how  it went for another hour or so. Jimin constantly praising Yoongi, after everything he did, while yoongi kept getting annoyed at the younger lad. But he once or twice cracked a smile at the cute boy, but he'd die before he ever admitted that.

After that day they kept running into each other, ever so often. Yoongi getting to know Taehyung too. To put it shortly, they became tolerable to Yoongi. He would go as far as to say, he liked them more than most things at school.


The next day at school, Taehyung was having a bad day. He got his science test back from last time. He had scored ridiculously low. He was scared thinking what his mother would say.

Just as he was placing his books in his locker he suddenly was pushed straight ahead. His body banging with the metal. His shirt getting caught in one of the loose screw, causing it to tear a little, right below next to his belly.

He groaned in pain as he turned around, coming to face Min-hoon.

"You thought you'd get away after pulling that act in class. I had to apologize to you! How shameful, my god." Min-hoon held Taehyung's face in his hand, quite roughly.

"I'm sorry, please let me go!" Taehyung whimpered. He could see a small crowd forming around them. Some people pitying this situation while others were just having their fill of entertainment.

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