Can we talk?

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The next day, Tae woke up before Jungkook. He was out of his head space, so he decided to let jungkook keep sleeping while he cooked for both of them.

Replaying all of last night in his head, he blushed, thinking of how magical it all had been. His first proper date, his first kiss, his first boyfriend! He was so happy it was all with Jungkook.

He found pancake mix on one of the shelves and quickly got down to making them for the duo. He wondered if Mr and Mrs. Jeon and jennie would be home soon. He made extra batter just in case.

Tae was almost done with plating the last pancake when he heard a small cough. He turned around to find Jungkook standing at the entrance of the kitchen with a small smile on his face.

"Kookie, how long have you been standing there?" Tae smiled as jungkook walked ahead to hug him from the back.

"Not so long. I was just admiring my baby. You made this for us, sweetheart?" Jungkook said while placing small kisses on the boy's neck.

"Hmmm. A small thank you for yesterday." Tae mumbled, blushing prettily at all the attention.

Jungkook turned the boy around in his arms, "Don't thank me, angel. You made me the happiest man yesterday."

"You did too, kookie." Tae said sincerely. Both their eyes drifting to the other's lips.

"Can I please kiss you again, darling?" Jungkook said, voice barely above a whisper.

And a nod from Tae is all it took for the elder to dive in. They both were equally addicted to the feeling. The way Tae whimpered when Jungkook held onto his waist tighter and the way Jungkook was losing his mind at how sweet Tae tasted on his lips was enough to drive them both insane.

"Kookie, t-the panc-cakes." Tae stuttered as he pulled away to breathe.

"Sorry, yes. Can't get enough of you, baby." Jungkook admitted as he placed a small peck on the younger's lips before fully parting away.

They settled on the dining table eating the pancakes. But jungkook didn't like his baby being far from him, "Sweetheart, can kookie feed you? I just want to hold you." Jungkook was worried he was coming off to clingy but Tae didn't let any negative thoughts stay any longer when he happily skipped to the latter's lap.

"There we go, now the panckes will taste sweeter." Jungkook joked as he watched Tae giggle and playfully hit his chest.

"Don't make me, blush too much, kookie. My cheeks hurt!" Tae complained, the smile on his face not faltering.

"My apologies, princess. But you know I can't help it. Your bread cheeks look so pretty with all the red. I could just eat you up." With that Jungkook trapped one of Taehyung's cheeks between his lips, letting them with a big kiss.

"Heyy! Not eating me, kookie." Tae laughed as he protected his cheeks with his palms from any further nibbling.

"Okay, I won't eat you." Kookie surrended but then silently said, "...for now." And if that meant something way more than a innocent thought, it's for jungkook to know and for Taehyung to never find out.

"When are Uncle and Aunty coming home??" Tae asked.

"Ohh, i fogot to tell you, didn't i? We are going to join them at my dad's party, darling."


"Yeahh, my dad throws a party every year for all his colleagues and friends. And this year you're coming along with me as my date." Jungkook winked.

"Me as your date?! But I don't have anything to wear, kookie! And I won't know anyone." Taehyung panicked, but the elder was one step ahead assuring him that he had already taken care of their outfits and Taehyung wouldn't be needed to socialize.

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