Be careful

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Once lunch time was finally over, the two boys finally cleaned up and got ready for class. Jungkook missed his email work but he was happy about how things turned out so he didn't complain.

There was just one more thing left to do.

"Let me help with that shirt, bub. Come here" Jungkook said, pulling the small boy towards himself. He had a safety pin in his bag that he had kept incase of any unfortunate accidents.

Jungkook tried his best to make the shirt look okay again. The pin wasn't visible anymore and the shirt was half decent. No one would really notice.

"There, that will do." Jungkook smiled at the boy. Taehyung grinned too, "thank you!"

They both bid their farewells and left for class. The day coming to an soon. Taehyung got a text from his mom saying she would pick him up. So he patiently waited for her by the exit stairs.

It wasn't long before Mrs Kim was there. She honked to catch her son's attention. Taehyung quickly walked to the car and sat on the passenger seat.  He smiled and hugged his mother.

"Hey darling, how was your day?" She asked, starting to drive once Taehyung had buckled up.

"It was okayy...I had a nice lunch." Taehyung smiled softly. Recalling all the events. How soft Mr. Jeon was with him, how he took care of him so patiently, even gave him a donut!

"Lunch? But I didn't pack anything special today-" Mrs. Kim eyes went wide dramatically. "Oh my god, Tae! I'm so sorry! I forgot to pack your cookie, didn't I?? I promised you last night-" She looked so apologetic, Tae felt guilty being so angry at her at first.

"It's all okay, mummy. I was sad at first but then Mr. Jeon cheered me up! Gave me donut!" Taehyung bounced in his seat.

"Mr. Jeon? Your new maths teacher?"

Taehyung nodded, "He saw me sad about my cookie and offered me a donut in exchange of me eating my veggies." Taehyung made a face on the thought of all those vegetables he ate.

"Awwwh, that's so thoughtful of him. Please tell him thank you by me, the next time you see him." She was happy that her son had a good teacher like Mr. Jeon. Taehyung was already losing all his interest in school. Finally he'll have something to look forward to other than Jimin.

The rest of the journey consisted of the duo jamming to all of Taehyung's favourite songs on the radio. Tae's mother was his first ever friend. She was always so open with him, always treating him lovingly, accepting his differences. Tae sometimes felt he was disappointing her by not being as good as the other boys. But his mother always reminded him that she was proud of him no matter what he did. Mrs. Kim did worry about her only son sometimes, because he was so pure that she was worried people would mistreat him. She always hoped Taehyung finds himself standing on his feet. But she knew she had to be patient. He was her baby boy first, she'll take care of her as long as she possibly could.


Jungkook had invited his friends, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok, over today. They all wanted to celebrate his new job. They treated him like their younger brother. Jungkook's parents lived all the way back in Busan, leaving him to fend for himself in Seoul. That's where he met Namjoon and Jin.

Jin owned a small restaurant that Jungkook quite often visited when he first got to Seoul. He got to know Jin through those late night dinners. Namjoon was Jin's boyfriend, he worked at a publishing company, as a translator. He was fluent in 11 languages. Hoseok was Jungkook's neighbor, always helping him around.

Jungkook freshened up and put some beers in the fridge for them. Jin said he'll be bringing over the food so Jungkook didn't worry about that.

Right as he was choosing a movie for them to watch, the door bell went off.
"Open the door, Jungkook! Namjoon is very close to dropping all the food." He could hear his Jin hyung being dramatic.

Opening the door, Jin was the first one rushing in. "Hello to you too, hyung." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Namjoon, kitchen, now." Jin said, paying no attention to the host. Food, first.

Namjoon gave a big smile to Jungkook as a greeting and went ahead to follow his boyfriend. Hoseok was walking out of his house too. He waved at Jungkook from across the street.

"Are Jin hyung and Namjoon here, yet?" Hoseok asked as he made his way inside the house.

"Yeahh, they just arrived." Jungkook answered, walking to the kitchen with

"So, Jungkook how's the new job? Are you liking it?" Namjoon asked as he sat at the dining table.

"Very much, hyung. Most students are nice, the other teachers are being very good to me too. Teaching me new things, too. It's all good until now." Jungkook said.

"I'm so glad, you got in. I made all your favourite dishes! My Kookie is growing up" Jin pretended to cry.

"So dramatic, hyung." Jungkook laughed. Hoseok was already eating the sandwiches that were kept there.

"Hey, stob it! Jungkook will eat first." Jin scolded Hoseok.

"Yeah yeah, this is your day, Jungkook. Eat up. I was starving until since I knew I get to eat Jin hyung's food today." Hoseok said, smiling.

They all soon ate most of the food. Just leaving some for when they watch a movie. The food was delicious and jungkook loved every second of it. They kept talking about each other, catching up. All of them were quite busy most days, so they hardly get such days to just hang out.

Jungkook told them all about his lessons and described all his colleagues. He couldn't leave the most important thing so he started, "There's a student, Kim Taehyung. He's... different. Ahhh he's my favourite, hyung." Jungkook gushed.

"Awwhh, tell us about him!" Namjoon urged. They could all see the fond look on Jungkook's face.

"He's so pure and innocent. He has the softest looking face. I met him yesterday, he was hurt actually. Some bullies pushed him, I hate them. Anyway, he was grateful about me helping him, gave me a little star sticker, here.." Jungkook pulled out his phone and showed his back cover that had a golden star on it. Jin couldn't help but let out an awwhh.

"I know! So cute!" Jungkook almost squealed. "We even had lunch today, he was fussing over eating his vegetables. I had to trade him my donut. I think my heart melts a little when I see him." All the three hyungs shared a look. They could see jungkook was already gone for this Taehyung boy.

"Jungkook, you do know you're a teacher to this boy, right? I'm sure it's illegal." Namjoon spoke first.

"It's nothing like that, hyung. I like him as a student. Don't worry." Jungkook laughed nervously. Because even he didn't know how much that was true.

"Just warning you, Kookie. How old is this boy? 17?" Jin asked, getting a nod from Jungkook. "Be careful with him. Don't want you or him getting hurt. It's your first time working at a school like this. It's a great opportunity, please be careful."

"I am careful! I just like him.." Jungkook pouted. He was sad his hyungs weren't as excited as he was.

"Ahhh I'm sure our jungkook will be fine, he knows what is right. I would gush over Taehyung, too. I would love to meet him." Hoseok smiled, trying to ease back into the casual talk. He could see jungkook getting sadder by the minute.

"Yeahh, even i want to see this boy who's got JK wrapped around his finger." Namjoon laughed, ruffling jungkook's hair.

Thankfully the atmosphere got back to normal. They went to the living room to watch a movie, carrying beers and the left over food. The rest of the time went by smoothly. All of them relaxing and just enjoying each other's company.

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