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Mr. Kim woke up at 6 am sharp. His biological clock was fixed, being a military officer. So even if he wanted to he couldn't really sleep until late. He knew Taehyung had school at 8, so he decided to go check up on him.

"I should wake him up, we'll get more time before he's off to school." He said to himself as he got up. He looked at his wife who was still asleep. He didn't have the heart to wake his darling up. How will I walk? He thought. Putting his head to use, he finally remembered that they had a support stick in the drawer.

With a lot of difficulty he stood up and made his way to the cupboard, thankfully the stick was in one of the closest drawers. All set to walk, Mr. Kim made his way out the room.

Taehyung's room was right opposite theirs so there wasn't a problem. However, on opening his bedroom door he was surprised to see the room was empty.

"Huh? Where is he?" Mr. Kim looked around confusedly. But then like lightning, it strikes him, "Is he downstairs?! With Jungkook?!"

With almost forgetting all the pain, Mr. Kim made his way downstairs as fast as his injured foot would allow him.

And to no surprise, his assumptions were right. His son was lying on the sofa all wrapped around jungkook, with the latter holding him as firmly.

"WHAT EVEN?! HE KIDNAPPED MY TAEHYUNG IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT??" Mr. Kim's voice boomed throughout the house.

Jungkook woke up with a start, shielding Taehyung from whatever that sound was. It took him a few seconds to even comprehend what was going on. But as soon as he realised what was going on he almost sprung up.

"Sir-no. I can e-explain." Jungkook stuttered, eyes wide.

"Well you better explain! This is illegal, I'm going to sue-" Mr. Kim was fuming but he was stopped by none other than Taehyung.

"DADA!" Taehyung shouted in surprise. Running from his seat to hug his father.

It was like a switch going off, forgetting about jeon, Mr. Kim just hugged his son close.

"Taehyungie! I missed you, son." Mr. Kim breathed out a laugh.

"I missed you too! How-when?? When did you come back?!" Taehyung grinned so wide. Jungkook on the other hand, just let out a breath of relief.

"I came back last night, buddy. But I wanted to surprise you." The father laughed.

"Awwwhh. Thank you! I missed you so much, dada." Taehyung bounced, buzzing with happiness.

"You've grown so handsome, son. It's all my genes-" His father joked but was cut off with a cough by his wife.

"Am I going to be forgotten now?" Mrs. Kim sighed, standing by the staircase. Her comment made Taehyung giggle as he went ahead to hug her too.

"Never, mummy!" Tae smiled, "Is dada going to stay with us now?"

Mrs. Kim just smiled sympathetically, not having the heart to tell him that his dad will be back to work once his leg is all okay. Wait his leg!

"Sehun! How did you walk here by yourself?! Sit down, you crazy man." Mrs. Kim rushed to make him sit. Jungkook moved aside too, so the sofa was free, he had to avoid eye contact with the man though. Ahhh am I going to die so young? The teacher thought.

"What happen?" Taehyung asked, confused.

"It's nothing, buddy. My leg is just a little hurt." Mr. Kim assured, smiling. He still took a seat on the sofa, not wanting a scolding from his wife.

"Ohh, I'll take care of you, dada! Don't worry!" Taehyung said, raising his first in determination. Jungkook just chuckled at the little boy, so cute.

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