Asking out

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"Tae! Yoongi asked me to be his boyfriend!" Jimin yelled through the phone, making Tae gasp and jump, disrupting the Jungkook's sleep. The couple was just lazing around as it was finally Saturday.

"Oh my god, Jiminieee! How, what when?! Congratulations!" Tae shouted, rejoicing along with his best friend. "Tell me everything!"

"It was the sweetest gesture!"


"Jimin-ah, Stop playing with my hair!" Yoongi grumbled out, knowing his pleading is falling on deaf ears. The younger was busy braiding his hair, for quite some time now.

"Awwhhh, pleaseeee. I missed your hair. You are off at university now, I hardly get to be with you, hyungie." Jimin pouted, making the elder soften his expression.

"It's only few more months and you'll be done with high school. University is right around the corner for you too." Yoongi pointed out.

"As if you'll hang out with me, if I end up in your university. Will hyungie have time for his mochi?" Jimin pretended to be cute by facing yoongi and fluttering his eyelids, knowing it always made yoongi cringe.

Surprisingly, yoongi kept his eyes locked with the boy and said, "Hyung will always have time for his mochi."

Saying that, both boys were flustered, one from embrassement and the other from almost slipping out his true intentions.

Yes, he and jimin fooled around often, but they had never made it romantic. Yoongi was the one who helped jimin explore his sexuality but it was always just that, never more. Though, it was obvious to the blind with the way both of them acted, they were meant to be.

"Close your mouth and untangle my hair." Yoongi was the one to break the silence, coughing afterwards to hide his embrassement.

The next few minutes went by peacefully with yoongi closing his eyes as jimin brushed his hair out so gently it was lulling him to sleep.

"Don't sleep naaa." Jimin whined, yoongi almost always fell asleep when they hangout together like this.

"Sorry, baby, you can't blame me when your hands are magic." Yoongi lazily smiled, not even realizing what he had called the younger.

Jimin however being his dramatic self, gasped loudly and stood up, "You called me b-baby!"

"I did?" Yoongi asked, earning an aggressive nod from the other. "Huh? Maybe I did, well, aren't you my baby?" Yoongi was feeling very courageous today.

Jimin gasped again, "YOUR BABY?" The elder was playing with his heart.

"I've never been keen on sharing, so yeahh my baby." Yoongi casually replied, as if his heart wasn't thumping in his chest.

Jimin sat down again, sitting while holding yoongi's face in both of his hands, "Are you really my Yoongi hyung? The grumpy cat that never shows affection."

"Hey! Grumpy cat? Respect your elders!" Yoongi grumbled but his face squished with jimins hands made his threat too cute to be taken seriously. So yoongi brushes the latter's hands off and continues,
"And what do you mean never shows affection? I am literally always caving into your every wish and want. You know how much I hate being close to someone, and here I let you all over me with no hesitation. I hate it when people disturb my sleep, but one call from you at 2 am and I am listening to you rant about how much geometry sucks. I hate when I have to cook for anyone but when it comes to you, I am whipping up 3 different cuisines. I hate getting out of the house on my day offs and now look at me sitting on your bedroom floor with no sense of time. The list can go on and on, Park Jimin. I hate everything about everything but not anything when it comes to you."

Jimin was stunned, he's always the one with a smart mouth but not today. Did yoongi just confess to him?!

"Say something, you idiot." Yoongi flicked his forehead.

"You like like me..?" Jimin voiced out in tiny.

Yoongi simply rolled his eyes, "No shit, Sherlock. I've liked you since the day you disturbed my piano practice."

And that is all Jimin needed to jump in and kiss Yoongi like there's no tomorrow. The latter not missing a heart beat to reciprocate, pouring in all the years worth of longing in the moment.

" I like you, too, hyungie, like you a lot." Jimin breathed out, detaching his lips for only a second.

When they were finally out of breath, yoongi asked, "Jimin-ah, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Oh my god! Yes!"

"That's the cutest way!" Taehyung cooed when jimin ended his story, he was so so happy.

"I know right?! Who knew Min Yoongi was such a romantic?" Jimin laughed, Tae joining along. What the smaller didn't notice was jungkook now wide awake and waiting patiently to be filled in on the news that had gotten Tae so excited and jumpy. He chuckled at the latter's puppy confused eyes.

After a few more minutes of Tae congratulating Jimin and jimin gushing and thanking him, the two finally bid goodbyes.

Tae then got into Jungkook's arms again and recited the story to the elder. Jungkook equally gasped and cheered for Jimin. He didnt know Yoongi very well but from what he had heard and seen even he was sure they would make a cute couple.

"Ahhhh, kookie. Jiminie and Yoongi hyung, they are so lucky to have found each other. Boyfriends, waahh." Tae said, amused at how that works. The little one had never had a boyfriend. (Jungkook doesn't count, he's still not asked out.)

"Hmmm, I'm sure it's nice." Jungkook smiled. He knew he had more time left before he can actually ask his baby out.

"When will Tae get a chance to be boyfriends?"

"Soon, bub, Will my angel wait just a  little longer?"

"Always, kookie." Tae blushed and the hid his face in Jungkook's chest. That's the moment jungkook decided that the day he asks Tae out, he'll make sure to make it the best of the best.

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