New teacher

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"Tae, come on, we don't want to be late for the very first class." Jimin said, as he sighed looking at his best friend trying to tie his shoe laces for the tenth time. It was the first day of school, and both boys decided to meet by the school garden before leaving for class. However now they were still in the garden because Tae just couldn't seem to tie his shoelaces.

"I hate these laces! Stupid stupid stupid." Tae groaned in frustration.

Jimin simply rolled his eyes at the dramatic boy, "Let me do it, come here. I swear lover boy has spoiled you too much." Jimin crouched down to tie the boy's laces in a tight knot.

"Thank you, jiminie." Tae smiled as he saw both his shoe laces neatly done. "Come on now! We are getting late. Last one to reach buys lunch." And with that, Tae started running towards the entrance.

"Hey! Thats not fair!" Jimin ran behind him too.


Tae and jungkook hadn't seen each other all day, both having different
schedules. Tae had maths in the last period, so he was praying earnestly for jungkook to be there.

"Don't worry, bud. There is a high chance jungkook is teaching us this year too, the rest of the maths teacher are completely booked with other groups." Jimin assuemred, understanding why Tae was distracted.

"But we can't be sure, what if jungkook is completely booked too?" Tae mumbled sadly. "I even messaged him asking him about this, but he hasn't replied yet."

"Its the first day, he's probably swamped with work." Jimin reasoned, "Don't be so sad, Tae. You know jungkook wouldn't like that."

"Yeah yeah." Tae nodded as they both walked to the final class. Both the boys crossing their fingers for Jeon jungkook to be standing behind the door.

As soon as they knocked the door to enter, it was opened by another student. A boy jimin recognized from his history class said, "The teacher isn't here yet."

"Ahhh okay okay." Jimin nodded as he held Tae's hand and guided him to the last bench, their usual place.

"This just means it is not kookie. He is never late, he surely won't be late for his first class." Tae sighed, lying his head on the desk.

"There there, be a little hopeful." Jimin consoled, patting the boy's head. Even he was a little doubtful now, jungkook was indeed never late to class.

15 more minutes passed before the door was swung open and in came running a man.

"Sorry sorry! I swear I set an alarm! Good morning-no shit-sorry I can't curse-good afternoon." The man said, breathing heavily.

A chorus of good afternoons went around the room and so the man continued, "My name is Park Bogum. I am your maths teacher for the year. Well, I hope I can still keep my job after being late for the very first day at this job. Anyway, nice to meet you all, please don't abandon my ass-sorry I meant class." 

He was an instant hit among the students, as everyone liked his casual attitude. Even Tae giggled seeing the man crack jokes. The boy was a little bummed out that jungkook wasn't here instead, but he was happy it wasn't any of those rude professors either.

"Let's begin our lecture, we will start with revising what yall learnt last semester. Do yall remember everything  or are yall normal?" Bogum started, making some students laugh.

The lecture went on smoothly, with a lot of laughs to everyone's pleasure. Bogum was funny but he was a wonderful teacher. Most students understood what was being taught. He made his explanations as easy as lessons for a 5 year old. For kids who still were struggling, he assured them he'll send them video lectures for extra help, so that they can still learn but at their own pace. All in all it was a major success.

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