Approval (3)

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The three were finally sitting at the  lunch table. Mrs Kim had prepared enough for all three to eat to their heart's content. However instead of eating well she was busy observing the pair in front of her.

"So Mr. Jeon-" She started, but was interrupted by the stated man.

"Please call me Jungkook, ma'am. There's really no needs for formalities." Jungkook smiled, trying to ease some tension.

"Ahh, Jungkook, of course. So tell me, Jungkook how did you end up becoming a teacher so young? You can't be older than 25 or 27. It's impressive." Mrs. Kim asked. However her only motive was to know the man's real age.

"I'm 25, yes. I finished my graduation earlier, as I jumped classes ahead. And then, due to there being a vacancy at Trinity, I got in. Also my dean put in a good word for me." Jungkook hoped it didn't sound boastful. He often found himself being judged by others when he talked about his academic accomplishments.

Mrs. Kim added a point for Jungkook, for being intelligent and stable. Age is also not that old, Taehyung being 17.

"That's really nice. I hope my Taehyungie turns out to be as good as that." She smiled at her son, who was busy toying with his food. Pouting at the veggies.

"They won't disappear if you stare at them, darling." She laughed, Jungkook joining her.  Taehyung simply huffed at the two. He looked like a kitten glaring at you.

"I don't want this, mummy. Can I just have desert?" Taehyung whined. He had only eaten all the things he liked on the plate(that included the rice and chicken and some kimchi)

"Taehyung, don't make me feed you." She said sternly causing the little boy to blush. His favourite teacher was sitting right beside him! So embarrassing.

"Sowwy." Taehyung mumbled, going all sad. Mrs. Kim admits she felt bad but the boy was always giving trouble with food. Jungkook was silently watching the exchange. Wanting to do something about the situation.

"Mrs Kim" Jungkook said, gaining the attention of the mother "Did you hear about the new park that's opened a little away from here?"

"Park?" Mrs. Kim asked, confused about the sudden odd topic. But upon seeing jungkook subtly pointing to Taehyung she caught on, "Oh yes, the new park."

"I've heard it is very big, lots of slides, they even have a giant playing pen." Jungkook said, finally getting a gasp from the younger.

"Can we go?! Please please please." Taehyung looked hopefully at the two elders. Bouncing in his seat.

"Ahh I wish. I wanted to visit it myself, today was the perfect day too," Jungkook was interrupted with an excited squeak from Tae who thought they are going. "But sadly, a certain little boy is fussing. We can't go to the park with a whiny little one, can we??"

"No, how unfortunate. My good little Taehyungie would love the slides." Mrs. Kim was really pleased with how Jungkook was handling this. He was good with kids, no doubt.

"I not whine now, promise!" Tae said, holding out his pinky to the teacher.

"You pinky promise to eat all your lunch like the good boy you are? No more troubling your mummy?" Jungkook asked gently, a smile on his face when gets a frantic nod from the younger. They hook their  pinkies together. Mrs. Kim found the sight adorable but she didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

After that Taehyung ate all his lunch, without whining. Mrs. Kim silently exchanged a look of gratitude towards Jungkook. The elders getting to know each other by talking about school and their works.

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