Tummy ache

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Taehyung wasn't feeling the best ever since he woke up. His tummy was aching slightly and he felt nauseous. He wasn't even eating his favourite cereal, just playing around with it with his spoon.

"Taehyung, eat up. We're getting late." His mother said, as she was packing their lunch.

"I don't feel well, mummy." Taehyung mumbled.

"Ohh, come here, darling." She touched his forehead for a temperature. It felt normal. "What's hurting?" She asked sweetly.  Taehyung simply pointed to his tummy.

"Can I please stay back home today?"

"I really can't take a leave, baby and there's no one to watch you." Mrs. Kim felt guilty saying no but she knew there wasn't another choice.

"I understand.." Taehyung mumbled. He'd just have to suck it up for the rest of the day.


"You look like someone made you eat a raw egg." Jimin giggled upon seeing his friend. Taehyung felt and looked like shit. He was barely holding up and it was only the third period. He simply rolled his eyes at Jimin and put his head on the desk.

"You can't take a nap now, Tae. Mr. Jeon is about to come." Jimin said, looking around the packed class. 2 minutes for the class to begin.

As soon as Taehyung somehow managed to sit straight Jungkook made his way in class. They all greeted him and he got down to begin the lesson.

Jungkook kept looking at Taehyung but the boy was staring only at his book. He was also squirming in his seat, restlessly. Jungkook was sure something was wrong but he guess had to wait for the class to finish.

Sooner or later the bell rang, the class doing their common farewell, rushed out. It was break time.

"Taeeeee, let's go. I'm hungry." Jimin said. He understood his friend wasn't feeling well but he was starving. "Maybe you'll feel better after we eat something nice?"

Taehyung refused to even look up, he just simply held his stomach and laid his head down. Jimin sighed defeatedly and sat next to him too.

Jungkook upon seeing the two boys not planning to leave said, "Is everything okay, here?" He walked to their seat.

Taehyung screwed his eyes shut, he didn't want Mr. Jeon to see him like this. But at the same time he craved some attention and care. He was sick!

"Taehyung has a stomach ache, sir. He won't go out for lunch." Jimin said, sounding disappointed. Jungkook inwardly chuckled, he could see Jimin really wanted to eat but being the good friend he is didn't want to leave Taehyung alone.

"That's not good. Jimin, you can carry on to the cafeteria. I'll help, Taehyung." Jungkook said.

Jimin was a little hesitant, "Are you sure? Taehyung, you?"

Taehyung didn't answer just shrugged his shoulders, as he secretly held onto
Jungkook dress pants in his small fist, the desk covering his action. Jungkook could only smile at the cute gesture.

"Okay then, I'll see you in the next class. Take care, Taehyungie." Jimin patted his shoulders. He bowed to Jungkook and thanked him as he left for lunch.

Jungkook finally turned all his attention to the little boy.
"Taehyung? Can you look up?" Jungkook asked softly, running his hand through the younger's hair. He awwed when Tae moved his head closer to him, wanting to be pet more.

Taehyung had a habit of not giving verbal responses when he was sick. So he just whimpered and looked up at the teacher.

"Ohh dear, you look miserable, baby." Jungkook pulled out a chair and sat beside the boy. "Have you eaten anything?" He asked, touching Taehyung's cheek and sure enough it was burning up. The poor thing had a fever too.

Taehyung shook his head and stretched his hand, in his younger mindset he didn't find anything wrong in being needy.

"Come here, angel." Jungkook picked the younger up and placed him on his lap sideways. Thankfully, Jimin had closed the door before leaving, but Jungkook didn't want to take a risk. He carefully hoisted Taehyung on his hip, just like you would for a real baby and carried him towards the door to lock it. Taehyung just buried his face in the older's shirt, whining.

"Shh shh. I know, baby, I know. Must be a nasty tummy ache, hmm?" Jungkook sat on his chair. Letting the tiny boy squirm, trying to find a comfortable spot. He looked so vulnerable at the moment. So pure.

The boy was shivering slightly because of his temperature. Jungkook was quick to pull his blazer on top of him. The blazer was big enough to completely wrap around Taehyung's body curled on his teacher's lap. Jungkook had to hold back a squeal, the boy looked unbearably adorable.

"Maybe we should go to Mrs. Park. She'll help you with some medicines-" Taehyung shook his head, close to tears on hearing Mr. Jeon. He just wanted to stay like this! He grabbed Jungkook's shirt and stayed put.

"Don't want to leave?" Jungkook asked, getting a no. "We'll stay right here, then. No crying, sweetheart. How about you take a little nap, princess." Jungkook rubbed Taehyung's tummy, making the boy relax in his hold.

Jungkook hummed a small tune, trying to lull Taehyung to fall asleep. Just as he thought he succeeded the younger whined.

"What's wrong, Tae? Do you need something?" Jungkook caught on the lack verbal responses. So he simply continued, "Water?" Taehyung shook his head  "Do you want to eat, baby?"
Another no. "Darling, please can you tell me. I can't help you if I don't know what you're asking."

"Paci.." Taehyung mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He cuddled closer to Jungkook, it felt nice and warm, the only thing missing was his paci. His mom let him use it only when he was extremely needy.

"Paci? Ohh, I-umm" Jungkook was helpless. He didn't have a pacifier on him. Does Taehyung use a pacifier normally? That's so cute! But from where will he get one right now?

The younger was close to tears again, not understanding why he wasn't getting his paci! He was too sick to grasp anything.

"Awwh, no tears, bear. Sadly, I don't have a paci. What do we do now?" Jungkook bounced the baby on his knees, trying to calm him down. Taehyung stuffed his thumb in his mouth, and resumed cuddling to his teacher. Now Jungkook knew, he shouldn't allow this but he also knew the boy would throw fit otherwise.

"I'm allowing this yucky finger, just this once, mister." Jungkook playfully glared at the innocent bean.

The duo remained calm and comfy for the rest of the break. Jungkook hummed a song to which Tae fell asleep. Jungkook wanted to take a picture of this sweet boy. He looked so soft, his thumb only lightly touching his lips.

"I wish I could just wrap you up and take you home." Jungkook whispered. He may or may not have sneaked a kiss to the boy's forehead, he couldn't help it!

(Helloooo, Thank you for reading. Please do vote and comment. I'd love to know who is with me on this journey. Y'all can even suggest things you would like to see in this book. Love you allll)

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