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"May we come in, sir?" Jimin asked for both of them. Taehyung was busy staring at Jungkook, squealing inside. You can't blame the little boy , he was happy his new friend(not yet) was going to be his maths teacher!

"Yes yes, come in." Jungkook gave a warm smile to both of them. Nice to have this cutie in my class, jungkook thought.

Taehyung and jimin walked hand in hand, Tae limping slightly due to his knee. Sadly, for him his bully was right there, sitting with legs out. He smirked when he saw Tae walk by.
Stretching his leg further, he kicked Tae right on his ankle.

"Ow!" Tae yelped, quickly covering his mouth afterwards. His eyes getting teary as he just looked at the ground.
Jimin glared at Min-hoon, as he guided Taehyung to their seat in the back.

"Stand up, Min-hoon." Came a stern order by the teacher who had just witnessed the scene.

Min-hoon rolled his eyes as he stood up, "Yes, sir?" He assumed Jungkook wouldn't do much to him, being a new teacher and all.

"What did you just do?" Jungkook's voice came out deep and scary. Most of the students looked a little frightened. "Answer me, Min-hoon. What was that?"

Min-hoon tried not to show he was scared as he gulped. Trying to act tough he answered, "Kicked the little weakling." He laughed. His friends around him snickered too, obviously trying to boost their leader's confident. Taehyung shrunk in his seat, in the back. He was hating every minute of this. He didnt even dare look up. Jimin was rubbing his back, to calm him down.

"Oh! I see. You think that was funny? Why don't we take this wonderful humour of yours to the principal's office? I'm sure he'd like a good laugh." Jungkook gritted with a false smile. Min-hoon was a little worried now. Being in the football team and all, he didn't want to be kicked out. The principal had already given him his last warning.

"I'm sorry, sir." Min-hoon replied, praying the man in front would just let him go.

"Don't apologise to me. Turn around and say sorry to Taehyung." He crossed his arms. The little boy in the back looked up with wide eyes upon hearing his name. Jungkook caught the red rimmed eyes and he couldn't help but feel more angry at this situation.

"I-umm sorry Taehyung." Min-hoon said, swallowing his pride. His football was more important. Though he felt very pissed as he could see his 'friends' stare at him in shock. I'll make you pay, Taehyung.

"It's okiee.." Taehyung replied, timidly. Feeling very shy being the center of attention. Jungkook felt his heart break seeing the sweet boy.

Feeling not very satisfied by a simple sorry but he knew he couldn't stretch this further, so made Min-hoon have a detention and continued teaching.

The lecture came to an end after what felt like an eternity(its math, everyone hated it.) As the bell rang, most people ran out as soon as jungkook concluded.

Jungkook was cleaning the board when he heard a small voice speak "Thank you, Mr. Jeon." It was Taehyung. Shuffling on his feet, not meeting the older's gaze.

A soft smile made unto the teacher's face. "That's okay, little buddy. What he did was wrong. Are you hurt?" Jungkook couldn't help but worry. Jimin wasn't by his side anymore. Isn't it hurting him to stand without any support? Jungkook thought.

"I feel better now. Aunty must've done magic, sir! She do that always!" Taehyung exclaimed, truly believing his aunty was like an angel.

"Awwhh, I'm sure she did! But still take it easy today, okay?" Jungkook said, earning a nod from the smaller. "And if anyone troubles you again, you come right to me. I'll help you." He ruffled Taehyung's hair.

"Thank you so much! Wait!" Taehyung  opened his bag and pulled out a sticker packet. It had tiny stars on them. "Can I please get your hand, Mr. Jeon?" Jungkook couldn't help but watch in amusement as he obeyed the polite request.

Taehyung delicately closed Jungkook's hand in a fist and pulled out a tiny star sticker from the packet. Placing it on the back of the hand, he grinned at the elder. "Mummy said to use stickees on only the best things, you is the best for me, Mr. Jeon."

If this is how he is supposed to pass away, jungkook would readily comply. He couldn't help himself squishing Taehyung's cheeks, "Awwwhh, thank you buddy. I'm honoured." He could just keep him in his pocket!

"I go now, Jiminie said he'll wait." Taehyung smiled, cutely and bid farewell. Jungkook nodded and let him leave. He had to prepare for his next class too.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful for both of them. Taehyung successfully dodged meeting Min-hoon again. While jungkook turned out to be excellent at his job, having good lessons.

When Taehyung reached back home, he set his back down and went to clean up. He had to check his knee too. His mom came back home a little later than him, so he had the house to him. He decided to take a nap with his stuffies.(they were tired!)

Laying in bed with his elephant stuffie he spoke to it, "Ya know, Mr. Jeon is really pretty. I wish he would be my friend. I'll ask him tomorrow!" Babbling on like this, Taehyung fell asleep soon.

Jungkook on the other hand was busy sorting out his lessons for tomorrow. Getting straight to work after reaching home. He was sipping on to some coffee, with some nice toast to munch on on the side. As he was typing on his laptop, his eyes drifted to the small golden sticker. Smiling to himself, remembering the little boy.

"Ahhh, why you gotta be so cute, Taehyungie. You might just be make my heart explode." He spoke out loud. Jungkook doesn't remember the last time he was this fond of someone. He liked it. Getting back to work, he inwardly got excited about meeting seeing Taehyung again tomorrow.

(Hellooooo, I hope y'all like it. Please do vote and comment. It helps me to keep going. The chapters will include more fluff, I promise. Love you all. Stay safe)

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