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It's been a week since Taehyung and Jungkook spoke to each other. The younger of the two would just ignore the teacher whenever they were in class. In the hallways, if Jungkook ever tried to approach Taehyung, the little boy somehow managed to escape in the crowd. Even during lunch, Tae just stuck by Jimin.

It was killing jungkook, it felt cold. Like someone stole his sunshine all of a sudden. He wanted to just hug the boy and apologise for everything. But he knew he couldn't cross the line again. He had caused enough damage already.

Taehyung wasn't doing any better either. Even though he pretended to be okay, he really missed the elder. The soft touches, the sweet words, all the praise. But he thought if he approached the teacher he would just be a nuisance again.


The ignore game was in full swing until this happened. Jungkook was packing his bags to go home when a student came rushing in.

"Mr. Jeon, Ms. Chan is calling for you. She said it's urgent." The student said. Ms. Chan was the substitute nurse appointed to fill in for Mrs. Park. Jimin and Mrs. Park had a family event in Busan to attend.

Not understanding why the nurse would need him but not questioning it either, Jungkook followed the student to the nurse's room. As soon as they reached closer, he recognised the crying immediately. Little Taehyung.

"What happened to him?" The teacher inquired, kneeling in front of the small boy, who was sitting on the sofa there. Taehyung was quick to hug Jungkook, trying to bury in his shirt. Jungkook just sympathetically rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.

"Some kids fought with him and he accidentally hit his head on the wall. It wasn't anything serious, but there was a gash that I've fixed up." Ms Chan said explaining the bandage on Taehyung's forehead. "He wouldn't stop crying, and kept saying he wanted Mr. Jeon so I had to call you, sir. I'm sorry if it was your leaving time."

"No no, it's okay. Taehyung is more important. It's good you called for me." Jungkook said, while he kept trying to soothe the crying angel.

"I'll just go make the call to his mother, I don't think he should go home alone like this." The nurse said and walked a little away to the telephone.

Meanwhile, jungkook tried lifting Taehyung's head up, "Come on, baby, look at me. Let me those pretty eyes, angel." He coaxed.

Finally, Taehyung sniffled and looked up, all teary eyed. His head was throbbing and everything was too much. He missed Mr. Jeon so much, this was his last straw.

"There we go, bear. It's all okay now. I'm here. Ms. Chan took care of your head, it's okay. Can you be a brave boy for me? Let me see those tears go away." Jungkook pretended to grab the tears and dramatically throw them away. He wasn't actually grabbing anything, just thin air and swinging it like a baseball. But it was enough to make the little boy giggle like it was the greatest act of comedy.

"Awwhh, my happy baby. Here, one minute" jungkook went to stand up to pull out something from his back pocket but the whiny little didn't let him get up. "Not going anywhere, angel." Jungkook removed the small hands fisting his shirt. He pulled out a chocolate candy and handed it to Taehyung.

"Candy? For me?" Taehyung grinned, completely forgetting about his injury.

"Of course, it's for you baby." Jungkook smiled back, feeling warmth spread through his chest again.

Just as he was about to say something more, Ms. Chan came back.

"Awwh, he seems happy now. I was so worried." She smiled at Taehyung who busy eating his candy, taking the littlest bites so as to save the chocolate from finishing too soon.

"Just needed a little treat, didn't you, Tae?" Jungkook laughed. "Is his mom coming?"

"Oh about that, she asked me to make Taehyung call her. I don't think she's able to leave work." Ms. Chan answered, as she continued, "Taehyung please call your mom."

Taehyung complied and pulled out the little phone and dialed his mom's number. She picked up immediately.

"Baby, are you okay now? Is it hurting too bad? Oh god I'm going to kill whoever did this." Mrs. Kim spoke before Taehyung could even say hello.

"I'm okay now, mummy. Ms. Chan and Mr. Jeon helped me. No kill anyone, mummy." Taehyung said, confusing the two elders who were standing nearby by the word "kill".

"Thank god, you're better, honey. Darling, I really can't leave work right now. Are you well enough to walk back by yourself?"

"No no no, want mummy. Why can't you come?" Taehyung asked, he really didn't want to be home alone right now.

"My boss will fire me, Tae. Please try to understand." Mrs. Kim tried her best, she could almost hear the tantrum setting in her son's voice.

"Mummy, pleaseeee" Taehyung said, feeling his tears rolling down again.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel pity for the little boy. He was obviously very needy and vulnerable at the moment. He wished he could help him. It's like the powers above heard him because the next thing Taehyung said was, "Mr. Jeon, mummy wants to talk to you."

Taehyung handed the phone to his teacher, "Hello, ma'am. Jeon Jungkook, here."

"Mr. Jeon, hello. I've heard a lot about you from Tae. Thank you so much for helping my son." Mrs. Kim was really very grateful.

"Ohh it's no problem, ma'am. Your son is a very sweet boy. It's my duty to help him." Jungkook said.

"Could you please help me here? Taehyung is really not in the mood to listen, could you please drop him home for me? I have this important meeting that I can't afford to miss."

"Ohh umm, yeahh I can do that. But do you think Tae can stay by himself. He seems quite distraught at the moment." Jungkook chuckled, looking at the pouting little.

"Ohh dear, he's getting naughtier by the day. I have no idea what to do now." Mrs. Kim sighed. She could see herself packing up her things after being fired.

"How about I take him to my house with me? You could pick him up after you come back from work." Jungkook suggested, hoping he didn't come off sketchy. He was just worried about Taehyung.

"That's...won't that be too much trouble for you?" Mrs. Kim asked. She was a little concerned about the situation but she had to take whatever was the option. And how much she had heard from Taehyung and Mrs. Park she knew she could trust Mr. Jeon. (She prays he's not a killer or a psychopath)

"It's no trouble at all. I'll turn on the GPS on Taehyung's phone so you can keep track." Jungkook assured, he could imagine any mother being concerned.

"That would be great, thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you. " Mrs. Kim said, she felt extremely relieved now. After talking to Taehyung about the situation and listening to how happy he was she finally hung up.

Jungkook and Taehyung bid Ms. Chan goodbye and set off for Jungkook's home.

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