First impressions

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Jungkook parked his car by the backgate. He was informed he would get a designated parking spot in a couple of days, he'll have to do with this for now.
He checked his reflection in the mirror overhead and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
"You're going to be great" He consoled himself and put on his signature smile as reassurance.
Exiting the car, he was checking for his id card in his bag. Rummaging through his bag he wasn't looking ahead as he walked straight. Just as he found the card, he stumbles on something...err someone.
"Shit! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!" Jungkook looked down, mentally confused as to why this boy was sitting on the ground in the first place.
Then came the little mumble by the tiny boy, "Mummy says you's should see and walk mister.." Big doe eyed boy looked back at Jungkook. Cute, jungkook thought.
"I'm sorry again. But may I ask you why you are on the ground, buddy?" Jungkook went down on his heels to match his height. He read the Id card pinned to his shirt "Kim Taehyung" it read.
"Meanie boys pushed Tae, hurt when I get up!" Taehyung exclaimed, eyes getting teary.

Jungkook had questions as to who were these 'meanie boys'? why did this boy refer himself in third person? Most importantly, why is he so adorable??? But he knew he had more important duties on hand.

"Ohh, that's terrible. Can I see where it's hurting?" Jungkook asked in a soft tone. Tae pointed to his left knee, he could see little dots of blood on the on the pants in that area.

"There there, let's take you to the nurse. Can I carry you, buddy? You could hop on my back? It will be easier than walking all the way" Jungkook tried, he didn't want the boy to get uncomfortable. I mean, not everyday a stranger offers a ride on his back.

Sniffling, Taehyung gave a timid nod, "But mummy says Tae too heavy to be picked up, you gets hurt..." He said, sad that he won't get a ride.

Jungkook doesn't remember the last time he wanted to squeal so bad. The boy in front of him was adorable.
"No, bub. I'm sure I'll be okay. We can try, can't we?"

"Okiee.." Came the response. Jungkook placed his bag down, which Taehyung picked up a second later, earning him a soft smile. Jeon turn around, placing his hands behind his back to help give support.

"Get on, carefully." He said and looked at the little boy slowly hook his arms around jeon's neck, his legs on either side. "Ready? Here we go." Jungkook got up. "You comfortable, buddy?"

"Yes, sir." Tae replied and nodded his head, his hair tickling jungkook's neck.

Just as Jungkook was walking towards the school doors, he heard someone shouting, "Taehyungie! Taeeee"

"Jiminieee" Taehyung shouted back. Jungkook flinched a little at the loud voice right next to his ear. He turned around to see a boy, looking similar to Tae's age coming running towards them.

"He my best friend" Taehyung said to jungkook, who nodded.

"What happened Tae?? Are you alright?? Who are you sir?? Why is Tae on your back??Are you KIDNAPPING MY FRIEND???" He shot a million questions, voice booming.

Jungkook's eyes widen as he shook his head frantically, "No no, buddy. Your friend was injured I was just helping him to the nurse as he cannot walk."
What a great first day. I got called a kiddnapper, jeon thought.

"He nice, jiminie. He take to aunt park. My knee not okay. See!" Taehyung added, pointing to his knee.
Jimin finally grasping the situation was quick to say, "Let's go then! Mum will take care of this!" He started speed walking.

Jungkook was again confused. Mum? Oh well. Let's just get this done with. He hoped he wasn't late for his first class, that wouldn't be a good sign for his seniors.

As the trio reached the nurse's office, a lady sitting there addressed "Jiminie, Taehyung? What are y'all doing here?"

"He's hurt his knee," jungkook answered first. Letting Taehyung get down on one of the chairs placed there. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, the new maths teacher." He introduced.

"Ahhh, nice to meet you, sir. Thank you for helping Taehyung. He's always getting hurt, aren't you sweetheart?" Mrs. Park looked at Tae, smiling sympathetically. Taehyung was like one of her own to her. Jimin, her son and Tae always hanged out at their house, she was used to taking care of Tae. Even at school, she was aware of him being picked on by the other boys. She even tried reporting them. But there weren't any strict actions taken.

"I can't help it Aunty!" Tae pouted. Jungkook who was watching the duo, smiled. Mrs. Park was efficient in her work. She rolled up his pants and got down to cleaning and bandaging the wound. It wasn't massive, but it could be hurting the poor lad while stretching his leg standing up.

"Will Taehyungie be okay mumma?" Jimin asked, looking worriedly at his friend. Jungkook finally understanding the relation between the three.

"Yes, baby. Our Taehyung is a brave boy." She said sweetly, to distract the younger who was whimpering from pain.

"He's very brave indeed. He didn't cry even once! And look how he's letting you bandage him up without fussing. Im so jealous of you, buddy. I would be so scared." Jungkook played on, getting a grateful smile in return.

Taehyung felt his cheek heat up. He was brave? He felt proud! "Yeahh! I brave jiminie! Tae no cry, not even hurting now!" He said, rubbing his eyes, with a boxy smile.

Jungkook swears he could feel tummy flopping inside. This boy couldn't get more precious.

Right then the bell was heard going off. Shoot! My class!

"I..umm gotta run, first day. Sorry. Take care, Taehyung. Thank you, Mrs. Park. Byee" He waved and rushed out before any of them could reply. If he would've looked back he would've seen a certain little boy pouting sadly.

"Y'all two better get to your class too. Taehyung do you need me to help you walk?" Mrs. Park asked.

"Ill be okay...Jiminie can hold my hand." Taehyung said, jimin taking his hand immediately. They bid farewell to Mrs. Park and walked off.

"Mr. Jeon seemed nice, didn't he?" Jimin asked.

"Yeahh, he really sweet." Taehyung said. "Oh god! I didn't say thank you!" He gasped. Mentally punching himself. Mummy always says to say thank you. Now mister jeon will hate him! He doesn't like thinking about that. I want him to be my friend!

"No problem, taehyung. We'll look for him during the break, okay?"

They both reached the class. And as soon as they pushed the door open, jimin whispered, "Might not need to wait till the break, Tae"

Taehyung stared wide eyed at his friend to be, Jeon Jungkook.

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