Searching Answers

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I apologies guys for taking so long again, but I am unsure about where this story is going, but I am commit to the damn story!


Pierce had woken up from his nap attempting to rise up from his bed, but his body felt like lead, his heart hung heavy, and his mind filled with nothing, but vile discouragement that repeated within his head. Though he felt numb to the words and just forced his body to move and exit the room not bothering to tie his hair into it usual look. "Pierce?" he looked up to see Noi with a tray of food possibly for the Prince who wasn't that far from where he stayed. "You look awful," he went as his eyes dimmed slightly under the general's form.

"Yes" he answered monotone.

He brushed softly against the male, "they'll find her eventually Pierce, I'm sure she'll come home," he smiled, but he could tell it was forced, "she would have been home by now..." he answered as he left the pink-haired male to stand alone in the middle of the walkway. ' Both Pierce and Asch have been hitting it hard since Flora was taken, though I do understand... I don't think I can handle them like this...' he though; swiftly he took the tray of food to Asch's room, where he remained lifeless and stiff, but even when Noi entered the chambers he didn't bother to look up as the pink-haired male, simply left without uttering a single word to the Prince.

'This cannot continue...' he thought.

Then suddenly like a sapling of the silver wood in Daemos... Noi sprouted an idea, but he needed to be quick about it and very cautious, "if there's a way to save Queen Flora, then I have to go into that room..." what room? Why Flora's bedroom... So far no one else had entered it besides Honey, but now and days she spends her nights with Ava. 'All I need to do is find that book Queen Flora always wrote about,' he thought.

              "Lady Flora, you always seem to be writing in that book," he said causing the lavender maiden to cast her eyes over the male, "this is my book of spells, all witches, warlocks, or wiccans make their own, however we call it Grimoire since the person who wrote the book is the only person to actually read the spells," she smiled.

"That's so cool!"

Flora chuckled at his enthusiasm, but then her eyes gleamed slightly, "why don't I teach you?"

"M-Me? Teach me your spells?" he asked.

"I see why not, beside... Plus I get the feeling you wouldn't tell the others," she smiled, "the language is long dead and old, unless those who truly understand and have the patience they can read the old language." Noi couldn't help, but to feel honored to be trusted with the information yet he felt unsure about this choice since it would mean hiding information from his comrades.

Though he knew she was right about not speaking about it; ever since the magic transfer, there was a unique bond that had been form between the two, it was also probably why she was okay with sharing the language with him, "okay."

"Great! Now come closer so you can have a better view—"

"I know what to do..." he went as he left the pocket dimension that he had called home, "I'm sorry guys..." looking at the doors that sheltered the two humans before moving passed the doors to Flora's bed chambers. Easily slipping in to see the scrolls hanging from the walls and jars that were filled with herbs and spices, "the book has to be somewhere around here," he muttered as he closed the doors behind him and uneasily walked further into the room scanning the shelves and peering over objects and crystals that may seem useful.

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