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The day had been tiring though he didn't mind since he was used to it since it was natural for male Daemos's to train at such a young age. Though his body screamed and ached at the amount of abuse he gone through, he had to remind himself that it was for the best, he needed to survive this hellish world, and he will survive! "If you keep frowning like that, you'll start to grow wrinkles," he heard a giggle as he recalled where exactly he was, looking up to the woman who was smiling down at him with a gentle smile, beside her was the young Princes who both seemed rather tired after receiving the same treatment of training. 

"You looked very determined in your training today, glad to see someone with so much potential and determination," she said smiling, but her smile looked sad, almost like she felt sorry for him, which honestly made him feel pathetic however he didn't allow his emotions to show. "At this rate, I believe you might make a good guard for one of my sons," she went.

"Mother! I don't need guard!" whined the oldest as he puffed out his chest with pride and ignorance.

"I don't either... But I see what mother says, and expect a lot from this boy," went the other as he looked at him with nothing, but pure expectations and pride. This caused his own heart and soul to pound with joy at this notion and simply nods to the Prince showing his gratitude toward him, "I am glad... I see great things between you two, I'm sure many more will join your group as well," went the woman as she pats her youngest son and offered a smile which held joy, it was then he knew he was grateful for being noticed by the Queen and Prince.

                                 Pierce woke up from his dream quickly sitting up on his bed as he tries to recall where he was, 'that was no dream... That was a memory...' he thought as he remembers that day to the last detail. The day when the Queen picked him out of many young male Daemos's to be her son's allied, the determination and loyalty to his Queen and Prince made him fight even harder and stronger rising up the ranks to prove his worth and his position as his Prince's guard and General.

He was grateful for Asch and he was grateful for the Queen... He was sure she would have been happy to know he did his job guarding and serving her son well, yet the day she died, hit the kingdom hard especially on Asch since his mother was always by his, while his Father and Brother looked down on him as if he wouldn't survive the world they built, but Asch had proved many wrong and with Pierce's and the other's help they grew to be valuable to the court and kingdom.

'I can't sleep now,' he thought as he got up and began leaving his chambers and leave their home into the living room of the Sorceress and Mage's space. Surprisingly he was greeted with Flora who had been staring at the window, almost as If her mind was elsewhere and not there, "Ms. Flora?" he went causing the woman to turn towards him and gave a sleepy smile. "Hey Pierce, can't sleep?" he nods as he approached her and sat by her side. The Spirit from Daemos laid on her lap purring happily as she scratched behind her ears, "why are you up Ms. Flora?" he asked as the woman then leaned on his shoulder and released a sigh, "I had weird dream... They've been more frequent since you guys arrived," he looked down at her curiously taking in her features as her lashes fluttered showing she was struggling to keep her eyes open, "is it our fault?"

"No, I had them before, but not this much before" she went as she looked at him with a daze yet aware eyes that shined within the moonlight, "but I don't think it's your guys fault."

He hums a bit as he leaned back on the couch and began thinking... Since their arrival here, he has thinking a lot about many things usually about how to save their problem back on Daemos, but as the days go by he's been finding him thinking a lot about this small female human. How she rarely shows her face to them, how she interacts with them, and she sometimes would go off on them now and then. He finds himself enjoy her presence... Well he enjoys Ava's presence as well since she interacts with them the most, yet he felt more drawn towards Flora since Day 1 always eager to help her or just be by her side. He also noticed how much she effected Asch since it seems the Prince had grown close to her as well; "a long time... Me and Ava use to have a mom..." he froze in place as her soft voice came to life, "I remember her... But sometimes her looks always change... However, I know for sure we had a mother, she use to read to us and sing us songs, take us into the woods to gather berries and nuts to make into pies," she got up with a sad smile.

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