Let the Sky cry

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A/N: Okay my SinglePringles, I am sorry for being gone, I was stumped again and then was forced to summon INSPIRATION into my mind so this chapter will be short, again I am sorry.

Also I will be waiting for those lil challenge's as well... which also brings me to mention I am gonna post some art work of the OC Daemos I have mentioned in this book. 

Anyway onto the story!


Flora woke up seeing the familiar surroundings of her cell temporary bedroom and the familiar sound of her door pounding, "WAKE UP HUMAN! THE KING WANTS YOU UP AND READY FOR THE GARDEN!" that was the voice of Cateline; a demoness who truly hated her guts, but Flora didn't exactly give two shits about what the woman thought of her; quickly getting up from the bed and quickly began getting ready for the day save for the maids who usually came in and dressed her; the king picks her outfits, why was beyond her, but it did save time on her part; "my lady breakfast will be ready within 20 minutes, have a good day," went one of the maids as they excuse themselves.

Flora stood rooted there for a while, but she knew it was best that she go now then being late, even if they would dismiss her missing, but she didn't want to take any chance.

                                           Leviathan started the day like usual, waking up before dawn breaks, train, shower, dress, and wait at the dining room for the others to join, he had done this for centuries before since he decided to join Savaric's kingdom, but that was when Savaric's ancestors were more wise, resourceful, and considerate for their people. It was sort of the reason why he joined the kingdom in the first place, plus it was how he met his mate, but now he almost wished he could have left to another kingdom... well almost wished, "morning Lady Flora," he went as the young lavender-hair woman entered the dining hall. She give a small smile his way before returning to her usual expression; following behind her was Col and Dalibor who usually are the ones who join the dining hall early... both grew to like the human food compare to the food on Daemos. 'Reasonable,' he thought even if he would never verbally say he enjoyed the food as well; "seems we're the early birds today!" smiled Col.

"We aren't birds, Col"

"It's a human expression," he went smiling before he settled himself down in his usual seat.

"I heard from the King that he is rewarding Lady Flora today with a picnic, he suggest we all do the same since we've been cooped up within the house," said Dalibor.

"I wonder why he makes us stay inside, it's so boring!" whined Col.

"It's so we won't raise suspicion within the community," said Leviathan as he picked up his tea.

"It's not like it's needed, we literally live within fields of trees and the closest town here is Scales-Wind!" growled the male, but the three figures pay no mind to the youth's "sorrowful" strums.

                             The car bounced causing the woman to jolt awake from her slumbers, "so sorry m'lady, I should have warn you," went her driver as she cast her grey eyes over, "it's quite alright," she muttered. Upon returning her gaze towards the seated figures within the back of the limo, she began to drift her thoughts deeper within her mind, "you sure you're ready to make your presence so soon? We're not sure if they can handle it well," went her guard. Though the old woman didn't answer, only continued to gaze outside world, "Levin, I'm sure she's ready beside I think it is time we stop this once and for all."

"But is it the right time to do this? We aren't even sure if it's the same people, plus we have no guarantee safety for both of your when we appear before the sheriff and those lawmakers."

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