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Hey my SinglePringles! I guess I am surprising you with an early update! ^^ 

Honestly it's 1:43 AM over where I am at, I took some medicine that usually helps me sleep, but it hasn't been working and I am extremely tired as f*ck! And I noticed this story is becoming big a bit and seems it the highest on the Leif tag which I find funny since this story isn't a LeifXOC story XD 

I honestly don't know who I should put Flora with, but at the same time I have special plans for this woman for the next story... Yes I already have notes for the next story for this one XD

Anyway enjoy the chapter!


Ava walked into the apartment after spending some time with her parents, her mind was thinking back on what they had mention about how both her and Flora was swarmed with the boy's attention, though she couldn't really think much about it since she only had to deal with three luckily instead of all five of them. Though she worried about her sister since she had the two unbalance males who opposite from each other, enough to actually give someone whiplash considering their behaviors; "Princess Ava, welcome home," went Rhys causing the young woman to snap out of whatever day dream she was having, "oh hey Rhys... What are you doing?" she asked as the male turned from whatever he was doing, "oh, I was just practicing co-oking?"

"When did you learn how to cook?" she asked.

"Oh! The wise sage Mrs. Oates had taught me some new potions I can practice and as well as being able to tend to you and Queen Flora," he beamed.

Ava smiled slightly at the sight of him, though she began wondering about how her life would be with Rhys as her boyfriend... Though she wasn't sure about it since he would most likely question everything around her, not that it was a bad thing, but it could be a little too much. "Where's Pierce?" she suddenly asked as she noticed the male was not around which was considerably odd since he would most likely be outside in the living room in case Flora ever needed him. "I believe he might be in Queen Flora's chambers," he went causing the ravenette to stare wide eye at him, "he didn't join us within our section of the home, so I would assume she would have asked for him to join her," he went.

'My sister must really trust Pierce to allow him even near her... wait-' "isn't she on her period!? I thought Daemos's go feral whenever a female is on her period!" she exclaimed. Rhys winced at the volume of Ava's voice, but she was right to be concerned for her sister, "normally I would say yes, but Pierce is most likely trained to deal with such things, especially females..." he went turning the stove off, "unlike the most of us, beside Asch, Pierce has been pursued by many females and nobles, he always been closed off though unlike the rest of us, so I supposed he had to deal with many who had attempted to seduced him," he went.

"He was literally sought out by so many women?" she mumbled, though she honestly wasn't surprised, Pierce was handsome and honestly held an aura of authority and matureness compare to the others, but Asch was also like that too, but he had stubbornness and anger in his aura so it was different compare to Pierce.

"They haven't done anything have they?" she asked.

"No they haven't done anything, Princess, if anything both are asleep as of now," Rhys smile softly at his words.

Ava sighed in relief a bit as this was told, she was grateful Pierce had more restrain than the rest of them and honestly it would be sad if she actually took Pierce away from Flora since she was just so close to him. "Be honest Rhys... do you think Pierce has a better chance than Asch on winning my sister over?" she suddenly asked; the dark skin male was taken by surprised by the sudden question, but nonetheless... He answered truthfully, "As much as respect Asch, I'm afraid Pierce has a better chance on winning Flora over easily," he went as he walked away from the stove, "she seems to have chosen him way before any of us was aware of it, I most likely see it because of the bond between Pierce's Father and you two... Pierce does have a similar aura and she is just familiar with it."

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