Taste of Lotus

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"You got it Ava!" praised Flora as she watched her sister try and muster enough magic to form into a sphere form, "that's it, now imagine it as a shield," Ava nods looking exhausted, but nonetheless determined before concentrating her magic to change its shape which slowly became a bright purple and shifted into a large shield, "hold it..."

"I'm trying!" she groaned.

She continued to keep the form on her magic until-

"Princess Ava!"

"GAH!" the shield vanished and returned to its sphere form before it started bouncing around the room and hit the male directly in the gut. "Oh god! Noi!?!" went Ava as she rushed out with Flora running by her sister, "Noi! You okay?" "Wow... Pretty~" went Noi; seems the young demon had mind was warped to see double visions of Flora and Ava hovering over his form, and with Flora's scent sweeter and stronger up close he felt rather weird now. "Noi, honey, come on snap out of it," went Flora as she started patting against his cheek, "what happened to Noi!?" asked Leif.

"I was practicing magic and he barged in! The magic was let loose and hit him in the stomach," Ava panicked; she paced up and down the hall looking worried for the young demon as he was placed on the couch, "I didn't mean to do it," she went. "We know Ava, I should have warned you about this, as well as suggesting we find a new place to practice this," said Flora as she covered the male, "he'll be out of it for an hour or so, I suggest he doesn't move by then," she looked to Leif who was staring at her intently now, "um... what?"

"You need to go back in the room," he went as he brushed pass her, "unless you want one of us to mate with you~" he purred causing Flora to jolt and rushed back into the room.


"I'm only speaking the truth!" he laughed as he waved a hand over Noi healing him a bit, but it seems he'll still be out for a good while.

"Anyway, I wouldn't do that to ya Ava, she's your sister and I'm have my sights on you~" he winked at her causing the ravenette to blush and soon followed her sister into the room.

                                          Flora laughed as Ava was rolling around on the bed wrapped in a blanket burrito and her face was glowing with pink, "why!?" she whined. Flora continued to laugh and cuddled the blushing burrito, "come now sis, just take it as a compliment," she giggled while her sister let out muffles of screams and such.

Mirage and Johnny had joined the cuddle party in an attempt to comfort their blushing mistress; letting out small mew's and purrs as they nuzzle close to the females. "see even they say to take it as a compliment," went Flora; Ava peeked out from her force field of blankets and eyed her older sister, "shut up Flora," she said as she closed her vision from her and rolled to the side with Johnny now laying on her head.

"Come on Ava."



"Not happening Flora, I'm staying here and pretend the world doesn't exist," said Ava with a small muffled following behind her.

"Fine then," Flora went as she got up and got up from her spot, "I'll go have one of the boys to accompany me to the-"


"Ava!" She whined, "I can't stay cooped up in your room, plus how can I avoid them when they live with us and Pierce is my guard?" she eyed her sister almost challenging her to try her argument. Nonetheless, Ava kept her frown on her delicate lips, "you have to be quick then! I rather you be in your room then be alone with any of them, especially when finding out how eager they can be when you're on your period."

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