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Flora woke up to the sound of her sister's scream, causing her heart and soul to jump out of her chest and up to her feet; immediately acted out of instinct she ran out of her room and attempted to make way to her sister's before crashing into the chest of one of the male demons. "Leif! What did I just say!?" she heard Asch yell, but if Asch was over here, then whose chest had she bumped into, "are you alright?" she looked up to see it was the Sienna skin male, "My sister..." "It is under our control, do not worry," he spoke calmly which easily made Flora relax a bit. He moved away a bit so that she could see what he meant, yet she clung to him as Leif was dragged out of the room by Asch with Ava following behind him, "I do not appreciate people jump scaring me after I sleep!!!" She found herself wincing at the sudden noise since it was quite too early for it; Pierce had taken noticed of it and just pats the young woman's head a bit.



"Yes, Prince Asch wants-"

Ava laughs while Flora just hung her head in shame of her sister's immatureness, "she mocks us?" went Leif.

"No, no, you said Ass," she continued to laugh while Asch himself seemed rather annoyed of this.

"Prince Asch, maybe you should explain," said Rhys as he flickered his gaze to his prince, "right," Asch then narrowed his eyes down at Ava, "teach us your human ways, now." Flora found herself giggling at the sight a bit before calming her smile when the Prince glared at her direction.

"Asking like that isn't going to-"

"If I do that then will you guys leave?" asked Ava.

"Faster than you can imagine," declared Asch.

Flora watched as everyone slowly began to passing the word "really" and oddly Flora found herself bored of scene, soon she was day dreaming on whether she should pawn in her tears or wait a bit longer until she deemed she had enough.


She jolts a bit earning Pierce's attention... He concluded she doesn't take loud noises very well.

"Killjoy" went Ava , "look when I woke up I was hoping you would have stolen something and left by now."

"Why would you hope that?" asked Leif.

"Because losing a few hundred dollars isn't worth all this drama... Again" she turned to Flora, "I expected it from you not me."

"Excuse me, dearest sister of mine, but I don't get a choice if situations such as these happen, let's be grateful they're not crazy and most likely not skin us alive like that last girl who came over," growled Flora as she recalled one so-called fan who snuck into the apartment and attempted to skin her.

"Wait what?"

"Now then, if you guys are really into this human thing then I guess we could start with is clothing," went Ava.

"Is not what we're wearing appropriate?" asked Rhys looking rather mad.

"Yes!" went Ava, "that's only because I..." Flora can see she is struggling with this and these guys expected Ava to have magic since they did bring it up yesterday, "she cast a summoning spell," they turned to her now, "summoning? What did she summon?"

"If you haven't noticed there are a few demons and other creatures out there, but only for one to two days, they all come here only once in a while, so as of now it's very convenient that you guys came now, if it had been any other day, many humans would have questioned you which can lead to alarming results," said Flora.

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