The Scent of the Wind

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The groups returned to the apartment and by now the Demons have retired for night as well as the girls since Ava wanted plenty of rest and Flora by now had finally settled down and lay on her bed for the night. Though she was nervous for the day tomorrow since she'll be forced to go outside with the group, and she wasn't too keen on it since she needed to finish her chapter before the waning moon and she generally hated being stared at!

"I'm defiantly not going to sleep tonight," she whined as she got up and began making her way out to the kitchen, seeing the living room bare was a nice view since she grow use to the men occupying this space more than they did. 'I'm glad to have the place to myself for once,' she thought as she peered right outside to see the sky had started to cry.

"It was going to rain?" she whispered as she approached the window, watching the droplets shoot down out of the sky and made the world become cold and wet. She found herself smiling now since it was very rare for her to be awake and catch a rainy night, so she quickly opened the window and dragged a chair towards the opened window and allowed the misty cool breeze to enter the room. Once she seated herself down she covered her fragile form and soon brought her knees to her chest, listening to the song of the sky.

                                            A distance humming can be heard causing her to stir in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes to see the woman again... However, she looked different, her hair was black like the midnight sky, and her skin was fairer than before. She didn't look soft and fragile, yet she looked stronger and graceful; she peered over to see her stroking Ava's head still humming an unfamiliar tune, but it was calming and sweet.

"You still awake my starlight?" she turned her attention to see a pair of royal blue eyes which shined almost like magic, "I can't sleep Nana," she whispered while the woman now turned her attention to her. Brushing her hair back with her hand, "you need sleep though, sweetie," she smiled, but Flora was stubborn and wanted to get up. However, the woman had other plans, "how about we go sit and watch the rain?"

"Okay!" she went before being shushed by the woman, "sorry"

"It's okay, but stay quiet now sweetie," she went before taking a blanket and wrapped her up like a burrito and carried her out of the nursery and out towards the small hall way that led to the patio. The sky was dark and the rain hissed softly as the droplets collided with the ground. The woman then sat herself down with Flora in her arms, as they both listened to the rain, "where I come from, it never rains... The sky is always dark and its sun was bright, but never lit the sky," she said. As she lead by her head and kissed the side of her head, "Nana, do you miss your home?" Flora asked as the woman gave her a sad yet sweet smile.

"I don't honestly, but I do miss my sons," she said rocking her.

"What are sons?"

"They're like... boys, but I'm their Mama," she went.

"No! Your mine!" she whined and buried her face in the woman's chest, she can hear the woman laugh while caressing the back of her head, "I'm your Nana sweetie, not Mama," she went.

"But you're like a Mama! So you're my Mama," she declared causing the woman to grow quiet and stiff, Flora grew scared now since she may have been a little more forceful about this, she didn't mean to make her mad. "I'm not your Mama, sweetie... and I will never replace your real Mama, but if you wish it, you are welcome to call me whatever you wish," she said causing Flora to snap her attention to the woman. She can feel a smile beginning to grow on her face, "promise?" she went.

"I promise my starlight," she whispered while pressing a kiss upon her temple.

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