Little Sister

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I apologies my SinglePringles! I know this is small, but I was stump and I was distracted, I try to continue, but it didn't want to come out so the movie scene/arc will probably be skipped unless I have another plan for it. I also kept you guys too long for this so you should at least get something out of it. Thanks for the patience guys!


"I see, we'll notify the others about this, sorry it couldn't be quicker," went the man as both him and his wife looked at the sweet little girl. "It's no problem, but thank you for lending a hand," went Flora as she gestured the little one to come back and hold her hand, they all waved goodbye and exchange their formalities before walk towards their group, "what now?" asked Asch. Flora pondered a bit before feeling the little one begging to carry her, "I got it," went Asch as the little one accepted Asch and clung to his neck, "aw look at you being a Father figure~" giggled Flora causing the Prince to flush and half-heartily glare at the young female. They approach the group easily earning looks from pass-byers and such, but they ignored it. "So what was that about," asked Lorelei as she looked at them suspiciously, "just asking if they knew anyone missing a child, so far none, but will keeping an eye out," went Flora as she watch as Asch set the child back down to greet the group, "I'm guess I'll be out here waiting, you guys can go and enjoy a movie," smiled Flora.

"Oh no! You are not staying alone, just because there are people around, doesn't mean it isn't possible for you to become kidnap!" Ava was shaking and looked stress by this idea, but-

"Why not have Pierce or Asch stay since really this is a date; they already went on dates with Flora," went Rhys causing the two males to become stiff and flushed realizing it was true. Pierce went on a date with Flora when they were at the park just enjoying each other's presence and Asch literally went on a date yesterday to a festival. "W-Well... I'm not sure, it isn't fair to them," went Flora before feeling the child slip out of her hands and was approaching Pierce who now was having a staring contest with the little one. "Well... Maybe you can take them and the girl to the farmers market, they always have cool and refreshing things there!" beamed Lorelei.

"B-But I would be dating both of them at the same time for that!" she flushed.

"Don't worry, it is possible for a girl to have two or more partners, but only with trust, communication, and faith in each other can be done for them!" went Lorelei earning looks from both Ava and Flora. "I was in a polygamy group for a while, but everyone agrees to break off since it was hard to manage to so many men and women," Lorelei just giggled and simply skipped towards the counter to pick a movie.

"What... female's humans can have multiple partners?" asked Rhys again as they all eyed the two women.



                                                    It was then decided that Asch, Pierce, the girl, and Flora go to the farmers market while Ava had her date with the three male Daemos's. "I can't believe Lorelei just spouts out nonsense like that!" she whines as they walked up the block to this so-called Farmer's Market, "is it possible though?" asked Pierce who was curious about this, but he held his tongue for a while to prevent her from stressing anymore. "In some cases yes, though females having a reverse harem is very rare, especially it's usually the men doing such things," went Flora as she lifted the child up and placed her on her hip. "My daddy says he was part of that for a while, but he wasn't chosen and they didn't stay together," went the girl causing Flora to bite down her tongue.

'WHAT KIND OF PARENT TEACHES THEIR CHILDREN ABOUT SHIT LIKE THIS!?' She thought while they began their search of where the market was, "you seem active today Queen Flora-" "Pierce, shh!"

"You're a Queen?" asked the child who was staring at her wide eyes, "n-no honey, I'm just a simple mage is all, no Queen here," she chuckled nervously hoping the child would drop it as quickly. Asch tugged Pierce to the side and whispered, "no one on E-arth are aware of Queen Flora, if word gets out about her being Queen we may have a problem on our hands, so keep down about it!" he ordered causing Pierce to now understand. He watched as Flora try convincing the child about it, but the little was just jumping in glee and was begging her to sing to her, "I'll sing later honey, we need to go the Farmer's Market and find your parents," she went as she took hold of her hand and gestured both men to follow her across the street. Though there was a problem, she had no idea what her parents look like and she most likely can't get much information from a little girl who actually exaggerates on everything; "what is this place?" asked Pierce as he leaned closer next to her ear, causing a shiver and a jolt to grow up her spine and honestly it surprised her too, "Pierce! Don't scare me like that," she whined as she rubbed her neck a bit. Pierce felt like smirking as he watched her squirm with a light pink that colored her skin, but he kept his face as stoic as he could. "This is the Farmer's Market, a place that sells goods, materials, and sometimes collectables," she said as she picked up the girl so she wouldn't lose her, "like the market Ava takes us to?" asked Asch he asked as he sped up his pace to walk beside her, "similar, the Farmer's Market though is either locally grown fruits and vegetables, produced locally, or sometimes travelers selling goods that you don't get locally," went Flora as she happily explains, "and since we're here, we can get a jar of honey, ginger root, and maybe some elderberries." "ELDERBERRIES!!!!" cheered the little one causing Asch to chuckle as the little one started singing the word, "guess we'll be getting elderberries first," smiled Flora as she put the girl down and held her hand, "let's see any of these stalls have any."

Pierce and Asch watched with curious eyes as the young woman was dragged around by the young child, both looking rather excited about their surroundings. Both men couldn't help, but to smile at the scene since Flora was glowing a lot more than usual; "you guys okay?" she asked earning their attention, "we're fine," went Asch, "come on."

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