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The boys have been quiet for two days after that incident and Flora had been grateful for it since it helped her finish catch up on the chapters, "one more to go," she whispered happily as she began packing up for the night. She quickly got up from her desk and allowed her sore body to stretch out it's bones letting out a satisfying crack from her spine. She looked over to the new feline that she now had claimed as her own, surprisingly it had become quite attached to her and refused anyone's touch beside her own or Ava's.

Johnny didn't appericate the kitten much, but Johnny needs to learn to share his mistresses.

"Night Mirage," she went as she shut off her lamp and slowly crawled onto her bed, allowing her body to finally catch up on some sleep after working so hard for six whole hours.





Flora groaned feeling the constant feeling of someone poking on her cheek, so begrudgingly she opened her eyes to see Leif lying besides her poking the tip of his blade on her face, "what are you doing here?"

"Wondering whether or not to kill you or torture you," he went with a smirk, which oddly didn't faze Flora anymore, "it's possibly 2 o'clock in the morning, I've been working for six hours, I need sleep," she whined as she turned around facing the demon. "You're no fun," he went; Flora frowned and turned to face him, "why are you even awake?" she growled a little.

"I'm hyped up, we Daemos rarely need rest, so we often wake up early," he proudly smiled before Flora shot up and was narrowing her pure light blue eyes down at the male. "That can be arranged," she then placed a finger between his brow and then her eyes glowed softly which followed by her beginning to chant:

Goddess above queen of the night

Help this man sleep in your healing light

Restful sleep, come to thee

Relax thy body and let thy mind be free

Grant thee calm and peace tonight

And let thee wake in the gods golden light.

(A/N: Original spell owner is by Carrie ******s. For respect and private reason, I am censoring the original owner's last name, but they do have full credit also I replaced "me" with "this man" "thy" and "thee" )

At first Leif wanted to laugh at the silly rhyme, before his vision became blurry and his mind suddenly felt blank and soon he found himself collapsing in darkness.

Flora however, smiled down at her new companion and decided just to sleep by him for now, taking his shoes off and took his blades which had been laying by the bed side, she covered the now sleeping male and soon joined in on the sleeping party as well, grabbing another blanket and curl by Leif's side as she began dozing off with only his soft snores echoing in her walls.

                                                        Ava woke up with her phone buzzing in her ear as which lead to a few run away which she was assuming was Asch and Noi, but she didn't care and was more furious to know that it was just Lorelei trying to have her join her and friend's again which wasn't fun.

"Okay fine! But make an instagram account and send me a gram, okay? Bye!"

However, apparently Lorelei didn't hang up properly because she heard everything those so-called "friends" of Lorelei talking about her. Though she wasn't exactly shocked by it since she knew she was indeed harsh on everyone back in middle and High school.

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