Sexiness and Moaning

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Flora had barely came out of the shower before hearing a sudden crash outside her room, quickly wrapping a towel around her small form she quickly ran out of her room to see Jake on the side of the wall being threaten by the Satanist- Leif, "Jake!?" she exclaimed as the male turned to her for help.

"Ms. Flora, oh thank-" he stopped staring at her which now drew all the guy's attention, "wow... you sparkle a lot more in the light," said Leif as he still had his dagger by the man's neck, "FOCUS!" She growled before Ava and Rhys came in, "what's going on here!?"

"This human snuck in" went Pierce.

"Was this an act of betrayal?" growled Asch as he briefly remembered not to lower his voice in front of Flora.

"I was with her the whole time you're majesty, she did not once call for reinforcement," went Rhys, before they turned to Flora who was still dripping wet from her shower, "I can't take my phone in the shower boys, it would have killed it," she said as they all looked a little bothered by that.

"That's right and- wait... Jake... How did you get in our apartment?" asked her sister.

Jake was then freed from Leif's blade and brush past him a little, but kept his arms up, "I-I'm the landlord, so I got worried when Mrs. Oates-"

"Oh god! Guys do something with your magic to make him forget!" went Ava in a panic.

Leif smirked, "I'm on it!" then hit Jake on the back of his blade's handle, both Ava and Flora remained in shock as they had witness the male fall to his side, "is he okay!?" Flora kneeled down and pressed two fingers on his nape, "he's fine, the hit wasn't hard enough to kill him," she said.

"You doubt us?"

"With your strength being beyond a normal human's strength, yeah; I kinda do since again... You're obviously stronger," she said before she got up.

"Quick put on your human clothes and get rid of your horns before he wakes up!" Ava had been panicking once she saw the man go down and honestly was more worried of her sister showing so much skin in front of five demons.

"How?" asked Noi.

"The way you do your Daemos clothes," she said still panicking.

"Really? I thought there be more to it then-"

"Quick do it!" she shrieked.

Soon all the males began taking off their shirts which shown the two women a great set of abs which more than likely cause any girl to drool over, "NOT HERE IDIOTS!" Too late, Flora had fainted the minute she had seen all the male's abs since she had not be in contact with a man long enough to even witness their abdomen, "shit! Flora!"

Ava frowned as she noticed her sister's face was glowing red and her eyes were half opened, the towel that wrapped her was slightly loose now and shown only a side of her hips which didn't please her. "Pierce! Help me get Jake outside! Noi help my sister in bed! Don't let that towel off her!"

Pierce quickly began helping Ava while Noi quickly helped picking up Flora who he just realized was completely naked beneath the cloth that separated her skin from his touch. He try moving, but felt like he was frozen and his face was painted pink as he held her longer, "Noi! What's wrong!?"

"She's naked underneath this thing!" he shouted earning Ava's and Pierce's attention whom by now had Jake in the front door outside the apartment, "the only time Noi get close to a woman, and he freaks out," chuckled Leif earning a frown from Asch, "just put the prisoner on her bed," he ordered snapping Noi from his embarrassed trance and quickly try and lay the young woman in bed, however Johnny seem to make his presence known and had flee across the floor on Flora's bedroom in attempts to chase the new cat out, but easily caused the male to fall; luckily Flora landed on the bed safely, but Noi was planted on her abdomen where his face can easily feel her breasts against his cheek.

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