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Ava felt it...

The feeling of sudden calmness... A yearning...

"Princess Ava?" Rhys had taken noticed, but she ignored him; drawing her pink eyes to the window slowly approaching the glass as she gaze longingly at the moon, "Ava," the men turned to see Markus. The man had been visiting frequently now since Flora's disappearance, "Ava..." he then approached the young woman, "don't you hear them?" she whispered almost dazed. This caused Marla to grow stiff, "what do you hear, my bloom?" she asked ignoring the stares of her son and comrades; "they are whispering... calling... faint, but I can hear it clearly," Ava turned to her mother eyes gleaming with a glaze like jewels, "they promise to take me home."

The windows shattered upon her words causing Pierce to take hold of the young woman shielding her from the glass, an aura of power screams through their veins as Ava began squirming in his hold. "DON'T LET HER GO!" screamed Marla as Ava now clawed at the male, "LET ME GO! THEY PROMISED!"

"Ava!" went Markus as he took hold of the young woman, "don't listen to them! You're not prepared yet!"

"Flora will leave without me if I don't go! They promised! I have to go home!" her mind was deranged with promises, voices whispered in her ears as she began shedding tears, all becoming solid like the gems her sister sheds. "What is happening!?" yelled Asch as he glared at mother; the grey-eyed woman frowned, eyes glisten with tears as she watched her daughter fight within her friend's grasps.

"We waited too long..." she whispered as she signaled her guard; with a heavy heart Markus quickly jabbed behind her neck causing the young woman to faint within Pierce's hold, "send word to Andrew and Devon about the situation," went the old Queen, "then call Garroth and Zane, we must summon the council immediately."

"What is happening?!" went Leif.

"We don't have much time!" went Markus, "get into your human clothes, we're going to the Citadel," his eye gleamed like fire causing the men to hold their tongues.

                                            Savaric grinned as he looked over the young lavenderette, her mind had been muddled and distant far from the land of reality, dressed in silver as she shone like a true jewel she had become. The energy just grew among the manor, causing a electric feel running through his blood, a thrilling joy to see it become more and more powerful than before.

"What is happening you're majesty?" went Col looking up to his king as they all had stood within the throne room.

"Our "neighbors" had made home within our mansion and it seems our Queen had been "gifted" a few treats," his grin never faltered, the Daemos's looked over the human Queen as she remained still and quiet for a while not bothering to even look their way as the two witches and allied had arrived.

"Queen Flora?" whispered Noi as he watched his friend slowly turned towards him, a soft smile resting on her lips, a look of pure ignorance bliss seem to marry her soft features. "Don't be afraid young lad," went Savaric as he rose from his seat, he slowly descend the steps until he was now taking the young woman into his hold. "She is completely fine, though she won't be speaking for a while," he took hold of her hand, delicately caressed them as he smiled almost lovingly to her, all while Flora remained ignorant and blissful. "It appears they wish to please her majesty well tonight, right they are to do so," as he cast her reptilian eyes towards the pink-hair male. "The process will be painful once it begins," they perked the three outsiders fear, "that can't be... they haven't even gain the tiers yet! It's too dangerous for her to-"

"Does it look like you would stop it?" he growled causing Lucineda to back down, "such foolish mortals... to keep something so pure from us... then again if we had known such a rarity existed back then," he cast his eyes to his men, "we would have taken the twins instead of that pitiful Queen."

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