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Hour later

Flora had woken up not realizing she had indeed passed out, but her head held a huge migraine which caused her to wince a bit and roll into a ball. A whimper escaped her throat and she felt like crying, 'why does it hurt so bad!? It never was bad before!' she thought as she felt the tears that had escape her turn to pure diamonds, increasing the discomfort she felt, "Queen Flora, are you okay?" she looked up to see Noi looking down at her with a glass of water in his hand. He looked quite more alive than usual, though she assumed because of what Asch had told her, "How are you feeling Noi?" she asked as she reached up and grabbed the glass of water, "very well! I can use magic again thanks to you," he beamed though his face grew a bit serious out of nowhere, "its way different on how we get magic on Daemos," he whispered. Flora wanted to ask about what he meant, but she knew better than to ask since most of the time the boys do everything they can not to reveal much about their world, though she has come up with a few theories however, they're dark and actually makes sense since the boys were very dangerous.

"Your magic is pure," he suddenly said causing her to snap out of whatever thoughts she may be having, "it's like the God of winds blowing cool refreshing air in my body, it was amazing!" he blushed. Flora remained silent for a time rather confused on how to take this information, but she recalls when the boys mention how he was silent for a time.

"Why were you quiet when I finished transferring?" she asked.

"I-..." he stood still looking away to prevent himself from meeting her gaze, "I felt... conflicted, I keep thinking more and more about the power you gave me, but I know where my heart lies and I refuse to let Ava go. Though it is difficult to contain myself from you," he went. Flora eyes widen and her heart started going faster... Was the magic she gave Noi too strong to the point he craved for more?? 'This is bad, Noi is my sister's suitor and seems to genuinely like her, but with me in the picture things will get complicated now,' she thought before covering her face in shame.

"I'm so sorry Noi... I didn't mean for this to happen," she whispered.

"N-No! No, it's okay, you didn't plan on it and it's not your fault, you were sick and need to give your magic to someone; I heard that if Daemos of the royal court doesn't give their magic on time... They can die from it," he went.

"So it was an emergency?" she asked.

"Yeah, though Prince Asch and Pierce would be very down about you dying, you really became important to them," he said innocently.

"Ugh... Now I feel bad..." she went laying back down and curl up, "why do you guys even want to marry us?" she asked.

"Well I don't know about Rhys and Leif, but I wanna marry Ava because I like her and she's really kind; I can assume it's the same for you and Pierce; though Prince Asch, it might be because you're the Sacred Seal."

She sat straight up and looked at Noi dead in the eyes, "come again?"

"The Sacred Seal, you know the one that can free the King from the throne, balance the lands, and sustain magic... I thought Asch would have told you by now," he went.

"I think he tried to earlier, but..." she gone quiet.

"Anyway, I think it's a lot different now," she looked at him again more confused than before, "Asch looks really determined to marry you, usually he wouldn't care for such things even if they were important. I guess you've became someone important to him, and I think it's the same way with your sister," he said smiling.

Flora smiled, but her mind was elsewhere now, if what Noi says is true, then how done she even became a Seal... She never been to their world and she knows for sure Marla was alive, but-...

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