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"Hold on a moment Asch!" 

"What!?" growled the Demon Prince since he didn't liked the idea of the whole courting thing, "we should trust Noi and Pierce to court the girls!-"

"Why are we trusting Noi with such a task and why did it have to be Pierce who going along with it!?" he hissed, "This isn't something we can play around with here!"

"As I hate to admit it, he has a point, it needs to be someone he can trust" went Leif as he didn't exactly seem pleased as well about the whole ordeal.

"And the best person I can trust is myself, which would leave Ava," he went.

"I get the part of Noi not being suitable to court Ava, but why do you pick Flora!? It's not like she's comfortable with you anyway and honestly, I seen her make her choice!" went Leif.

"Because something is not right with her, though Ava has magic, Flora obviously has a large amount of Magic that only suitable if it was someone in the Royal family!" he went earning both of the males undivided attention. "I didn't want to say anything at first, but ever since I learned her scent and saw the scar, I knew exactly why she didn't interact with us often, which is why I am claiming her since it would mean returning back what our family lost."

"Asch... Are you saying... Flora is-"

"I am, which means this is not something to take lightly, we need to this to as smoothly as possible because if one bad thing happens to Flora, we may be losing more than just our magic here," went Asch.

                               Both girls stood outside of the restaurant as their parents set things up for them inside; Pierce and Noi had been listening to them about their fathers in hope to make things easier as well as their background. "Do you both get it?" asked Flora earning a nod from them both, "thanks for trusting us with this task!" smiled Noi.

"Well you were there and blurt out you were my boyfriend," blushed Ava.

"I walked in with Pierce by my side, but honestly I'm comfortable with this," she beamed.

"You're okay with the idea of dating him?"

"Um... I wouldn't say I would, but going out and having some pizza is! Plus I kinda wanna see their reactions on pizza," smile Flora.

Pierce just pats her head which earned an approved hum from her, "why are you so comfortable with this!? Before you would faint at the sight of either of the boy's abs!" went Ava earning a blush and an embarrassed look from her, "and you keep stuttering whenever they show off their abs too Ava! I ain't alone on this train!"

"Why you-!"

"Girls, no fighting in public," went Andrew as he approached the two, "sorry Dad," they both said showing their submissive side, which oddly shocked both of the men since they never seen the girls actually act submissive before. "Good now, how about we go inside?" he asked going back to smile with his husband, "sure Dad," went Flora as she took hold of Pierce's hand and guided him inside, along with Ava who was still blushing madly while holding Noi's hand. Once they were all seated themselves their Devon began: "So Noi was it?"

"H-How did you know?"

"Ava mention your name in the apartment," went Andrew before facing Pierce, "Flora said you were a retired General from overseas, but not your name, may I ask for it?"

"Yes, I'm Pierce," he went looking calmer than Noi who seemed more nervous in front of the two, "sorry for not telling his name Dad," went Flora as she look.

"Its fine sweetie, good thing I notices these things ahead of time," smiled Devon.

"WE notice these things ahead of time, and look closely into it, the only thing difference between us is that Devon here will bring it up three weeks later when you don't wash the dishes," smiled Andrew.

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