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I apolgies for the long wait, was stuck with writer's block and I still do so please be patient until then guys, thank you for stay for this story


Asch exited the bedroom, the circles at the bottom of his eyes show that he had lacked the effort to sleep, his usual frown had been replaced with a thin pressed line, and the fiery look that once sparked with the head of his determination has been extinguished. "Asch..." he turned to face the albino male as he stared at the rundown prince. "Rhys says he has something to tell you along with Princess Ava; it's regarding the whereabouts of Queen Flora," went Leif as he watched a glimmer of life be shown in his Prince's eyes, "where are they?" he asked. Leif solemnly responded, "within the Throne room, they're already waiting for you," Asch didn't waste another moment and quickly pushed passed Leif, "summon Pierce to the throne room, I'm sure he'll want to hear about this."

Leif nods and quickly phased out of view.

Ava paced slightly within the room waiting for the others to come, "my blossom, calm down, I know this has been too much on us, but I assure you the boys will be happy with such results," went Marla. She held the sleeping gold-haired child within her arms; "It's not guarantee, but it is the only way to find her..." she sighs, "you found a way to find her?" all three figures turned to see Leif, Pierce, and Asch entering the room, "y-yes, though I am not so sure about this, but it was the only spell I could do," she went feeling her body released a glow slightly before fading, "what happened? Why is she glowing? Does she need another transfer?" asked Leif.

"No, but this is good!" went Rhys, "Princess Ava has manage to locate the Queen" Asch and Pierce perked up with life as Rhys began to explain, "though faint, there is indeed a connect between the sisters and most likely will be able to locate her through their minds or-"

"Through my eyes," went Ava.

"I never knew it was possible for that to happen during a locator spell," went Pierce; shocked to know about this, "I only caught glimpse, but I saw them through her eyes," she said.

"Please tell us..." went Pierce as he kneels before her.

"Princess Ava, please... bring her home," went Asch as he bowed his head.

Ava felt anxious about this, but with the looks of defeat and desperation within the eyes of these two powerful men before her. Who was she to deny their pleads, 'I'm starting to think like Flora,' she thought before closing her eyes and allowed the power that shared between her and Flora flow within her form. Slowly the darkness within her vision turned into a bright light and shown a faint view before her...

"Grass... within the woods," she answered as she spotted a tall male besides her seeing that he was carrying her through the woods with a man with dark hair and emerald green eyes which looked through her as if he knew she was seeing him.

"I see a man... he is a Daemos, but he... looks different, as if he is old, but looks young," she whispered feeling her eyes become watery as a wave of emotion flowed through her and struck her heart with unbearable sadness, causing her to crouch over and whimper in pain, but the man held her gently and slowly whispered within her ear. Ava took another glance through her teary eyes as the man graced her lips before saying, "she is okay, we plan to make sure she gets home," soon after... her vision slowly fades back into darkness...

"Princess Ava!" She opened her eyes to greet all of her friends surrounding her; when did she fall to the floor; "you're crying diamonds," whispered Asch. She panicked slightly shooting, "I couldn't see... all I saw was this man with dark hair and green eyes... he knew... he knew I was seeing them, but he said something... "They're plotting against the king..." she blurted out causing the men to jolt back at the sudden announcement, "three of the Daemos wishes to bring Flora back home, but I couldn't make out what else- HOW DO I KNOW THIS!?"

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