Take and Given

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Flora had been seated among papers and papers among the table of the Ballroom... apparently, she had to set up a party for a few groups of King Savaric involving dangerous covens some who were known for killing soldiers and citizen during the Wiccan Genocide. Her blood boils at the thought of meeting any of the head leaders of the coven, but it was impossible to avoid since a few covens had heard of her making her presence known. She didn't know why, but apparently something about her appearance had drawn many coven leaders racing to meet her.

"Queen Flora?" she looked up to Noi who was recently "captured" and was "forced" to work for her as well as having Lucinda and Aphmau be apart of this, "doing okay, sweetie?" asked Lucinda.

"I'm find, just stressed that I have to set up a freak'in conference involving the most distaste and unwelcome covens to a Mansions of Daemos's, including the high knight guarding this place," she went recalling her meeting with Perius.

"Good evening my Queen," she jolted while filing the paper work for the food, "I'm the Head Knight Perius, guard of the mansion, please forgive I have been alone for some time," he went looking very dull, tired, and sad. "I-It's fine... what brings you here, Sir Knight?" play the role had too unless she was beaten around or Noi and the girls could be hurt. "I only wished to welcome you home, my Queen I apologies for scaring you," he looked really depressed at that like he made a massive mistake.

"It's okay, Sir Knight you've done no harm, but are you okay?"


"Enough," they both jolt as King Savaric entered, "you've bugged her enough Perius, I suggest you leave now unless you go to the dungeons again?" the man trembled slightly at the sight of the King and immediately bowed before him and her then quickly fled. "Please excuse my Head Guard, I know he could be annoying to many" he said before Flora looked at the paperwork again, "he seems nice though, so I wasn't annoyed, I actually enjoyed his company," she admits since Perius was calmer and seems to put her first before going on to himself like most Daemos have done in the past.

"Is he part of the competition?" she asked.

The King looked surprised, but nonetheless answered her, "oddly enough yes, though I never would think he had the chance to compete because though he is stronger than the rest of my knights, he is the dullest of them all."

              She frowned at the memory, along with seeing how Cateline and the others treat him... besides Col because the boy was the youngest and seem kind to the man, alongside Leviathan who liked to talk to the man now and then. Dalibor didn't care about the man, but he didn't participant in the jabs and abuse they done to the man.

At least her friends had some kindness... maybe not Dalibor, but it was a start....

"I have to agree that man is mistreated by the others save for three of the knights," went Aphmau as she frowns that the thought, "that's actually normal," went Noi causing the three to stare at him, "I was part of something like that as well, but with my family... due to me being the Runt of my siblings I was treated the same way as Perius."

"I thought Daemos treated their hatchlings like treasures," went Flora causing the male to frown, "that was before the Queen disappeared, our numbers dwindle every day and many females have a hard time conceiving now," he went.

"Make sense... I guess Lady Marla was a part of the Kingdom's resource for magic," went Lucinda, "as well as bringing fertility to the land I guess?"

"Yeah, pretty much," said Noi.

"Hey!" the group turned to face the doorway, "Fresh Blood! You're needed for the training area, you Witches, head for the tower to power our shield," went Blazh.

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