Bathes and Panic Attacks

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"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,

Marry had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went

Mary went Mary went; everywhere that Mary went;

The lamb was sure to go~"

"Sweetie, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" the small child turned to face her mother who had been attempting to approach the little girl for some time. "I was singing Mommy!" she went as she began standing up. Brushing her dirty hands on her white leggings which now caked with mud and grass blood; "aw sweetie, you know Papa and Dada won't appreciate you dirtying your new clothes," she went kneeling down and began cleaning the clothes to the best of her ability.

"Sorry Mommy," she went feeling herself become ashamed and nervous, "It's okay baby, I know you were just playing, but next time try and stay clean, okay?" she smiled while placing a kiss on her temple. "Okay Mommy!" she sung with joy as she felt herself become lifted into the air and embraced with a gentle embrace, "Ava is waiting for you sweetie, best go back before she cries," her mother hummed as they turned to leave the field; the little girl just nods agreeing to her mother before nuzzling into the crook of her nape. The smell of sweet Hawaiian flowers and fresh coconut invaded her senses, causing her to happily close her eyes and relish the warmth and comfort this woman had to offer. A soft humming can be heard before she realized that the atmosphere began shifting...

It felt heavier and colder now, "Mommy, why did the sky go so dark?" she said before she attempted to pull away from her mother's embrace, however, the grip that held her went tighter now, "M-Mommy, you're hurting me," she went feeling herself becoming scared per minute. "SoRrY, sWeEtIe... MoMmY iSn'T fEeLiNg GoOd," the woman pulled away causing her to face her mother, but soon found herself becoming paralyzed by fear as she watched the woman's face began to deteriorate away, her flesh and blood sloppily dripping off her bones while the girl began to cry out, attempting to pull away, desperately trying to get away from the melting woman-

"FLORA!" she jolted awake to see her sister hovering over her face, her pink eyes clouded by tears and the look of fear in her eyes, "Flora... It's only a nightmare, you're okay," she whispered brushing her lavender locks away from her face. Her form was covered with sweat, while a chill ran down her spine as she recalled what she had dreamt about, "she melted away... I couldn't escape-"
"Shh, it's okay sis, you're okay now... Nothing happened," whispered Ava as she lay by her sister and curled up beside her.

Next morning Flora found herself alone and was craving water, quickly rising from her silken sheets, she quickly walked out of her room to the kitchen, the living room was bare and it seems her sister was in her room now; 'it's probably for the best since I don't wanna bug her at the moment,' she thought before she easily opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water from the inside. She then hopped onto the counter and seated herself there, guzzling down the substance within the plastic, oblivious to her surrounds and the two men who had made their appearance from their own space.

"Miss Flora?" she jolted off the counter and quickly turned to see both dark skinned males from the corner, "why are you on the shelf?" he asked suddenly causing the female to grow red; she was dressed with hardly any clothes beside her underwear and her loosely tank top, she had forgotten about the men that now wandered her home. "N-Nothing!" she panicked a bit as she try to find a way to go back into the comfort of her home, "isn't that the armor from that book you got from Ava?" she let out a small shriek when she realized Leif was standing behind her. He was looking down at her panties which were a little visible from her top, she attempted to tug down on the hem of her top, but it didn't exactly help since it shown some cleavage in front of him. "The human looks red now," went Pierce which now announced the proof of embarrassment on her face, "is there something a matter?" asked Rhys, however, Flora quickly just shook her head and made a run for it to her room where she slammed the door quickly, 'note to self, keep shorts on at all times,' she thought before she dived into her dressers and found a simple pair of shorts that were comfortable to wear. She then quickly put on one of her bras that she had and a newer top. She was more prune than her sister, despite being physically attractive, but she prefers to be modesty compare to most women her age these days.

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