Pale Tree

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I apologies my SinglePringles, I got had a lot of self-searching and after a visit from my brother and sister, I decided to work online, though its definitely not coding, because I SUCK at coding, but I do hope its helpful.

Anyway, enjoy the story guys!


A sudden chillness had awoken Flora from her slumber, revealing to be lying at the foot of an old tree, seeing its pale roots caress her small form as if to cradle her. She can smell a citrus scent that loomed over her head, feeling the urge to look up; she obeyed her own wish and cast her eyes up to see large orbs of blue lights dangling from the tree branches.

Flora forced herself to her feet as she continued to look at the dangling fruit a while resting her hand against the pulsating bark of the tree. 'Wait... it's moving?' she thought as she send her sight on the tree center only to be greeted with a light almost blinding her;

"A human"

"An odd human"

"She looks so fragile that one"

"Has our processor chosen her by mistake?"

The whispers continued all seemingly surrounding her, but as she try fruitlessly see who may be around, she saw no one from miles of this small patch of green. Only a vast ocean of white can be seen blanket around her. "Whose there?!" she called out, but the whispers continue to ignore her;

"What would become of her?"

"It most likely will make her join us,"

"But what will happen? No human has truly claimed the seal straight from its core."

"True she seems rather frail, but maybe this may lead to a new era?"

"Do you believe it would be for the best?"

"Shall the next king whom marries her be blessed by such a gift?"

Flora frowned, but for now she ignores the voices that wrapped her mind and once again turned to the blinding light that stood at the center of the tree. Scanning the bark to notice that there was no imperfections or even cracks within its trunk; the citrus smell engulf her mind even more as she drew closer to the light, maneuvering her footsteps from its twisting roots as she now lay a hand upon its surface. She could feel it pulse as if it was a heartbeat itself, giving off that it was more alive than one can believe it to be; her vision began to darken and her body began to feel warm within her core as she drew closer to the light and become drunk with the citrus smell from the entity before her.

The whispers now became more... inaudible and less understandable than before, soon they grew to thousands leaving her hung on the side of the tree as she felt her hand be caress by the vines and roots of the tree...

                               Flora woke up in a quick fashion causing whoever was beside her to be shaken awake, "wh-what the hell..."

She covered her face within her palms as she tries to register what she had dreamt about; "you are shaking my Queen," she flinched as she felt a hand touch her bare shoulder and another that slip around her waist, pulling her closer to another form as if to comfort her, "nightmare?" she heard as he felt his breath against her neck, "don't answer if you do not wish," she slowly regain her breathing as she turned her eye to the side to see Dalibor smiling down on her, his honey-gold eyes shining within the darkness of the wilderness around them, "when did we stop?" she asked.

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