Grey Eyes

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Hey guys! Hagen here, just saying I am back for now and that I missed writing this story. Luckily I've been working on it since I went on Haitus which cause me to think...
Should I continue with the original story line or make a new one... hmmmmmmm

Well I just decided today that from here on out, I will be making a new story line from here on out, but keep some elements from the original one. I hope you guys don't mind it, but just enjoy let's get started

The sky had now stop it's tears, but it was already late and it looked too gloomy for anyone to go outside; Flora still remained by the window sill alone; Col had left a while ago since Cateline didn't want him near Flora. "I wonder why she hates me so much... besides being human," she chuckled, closing her eyes as she just listen to the sounds of the mansion groan and creak; "you are bored?"


"There are plenty of things to do, my Queen," he said as she felt him kneel beside her.

"I already attempted to get busy, but... it's difficult since I don't exactly feel comfortable here," she curled up slightly and hugged her knees, "plus I don't expect to get comfortable either considering I'll be beaten up and tortured at the end of the seventh day, and then left on the curb like a dead raccoon." Her voice cracked slightly and fear grip her heart terribly, "I honestly don't expect to do such a thing to a Queen," he said grabbing the young woman's attention, "I admit our way of disposing our past "contestants" wasn't ideal, but it was the only way for them to go home, plus it would wipe their memory of ever being here."

"Wait... It was staged?"

"Yes," he went, "our King made this ordered to protect ourselves from humanity... we are aware of what happens to people like us." His lips pulled to a frown and his eyes carried a tinge of water as he brought this up, "there were more of you... weren't there?" she asked. Dalibor turn his gaze to her and offer only a single nod; "I am sorry for your lost..." was she could say, but it she could tell Dalibor appreciate it.


"Col? What's wrong?"

"Humans and Mystics have been seen near the border of our territory!"

"What!?" went Dalibor.

"Yes! His majesty has sent me to an order to you and Leviathan: Keep the Queen safe and go towards the east, we have a town we claimed there, you'll be safe," he went as he held onto her hands, "What will you guys do? What about you!?" she asked.

"We'll hold them off for now and we'll be okay, I promise you're majesty, we'll return before the next moon rises," he went before laying a kiss on her hand then quickly left them be. "Let's go, we don't have much time," said Dalibor as he took hold of Flora' s forearm and began half-dragging her towards the back of the house.

                        "You found their hideout!?" went Andrew as he paced back and forth within the walls of the Phoenix's den. "Yes, but according to reports our officers and warlocks are having a hard time going through their barrier, but not only that... it seems a few are showing signs of a possible fight," said Laurence. Andrew grew weary and anxious as he thought about a fight coming; the mystic people couldn't deal with another fight considering they were barely healing from the last attack, plus they still had so much to work to fix the community to mend their differences of each side. However, this would leave a large gaping hole within the two worlds.

                Flora stood beside the mansion side with Col and Dalibor looking around for any possible trespassers, "what now?" she asked as she tiredly looked over to the two, "We wait for the next signal, from Leviathan that would come to help us guide you to our other home." Flora sided to herself slightly and felt her body shiver as the cold air that brushed against her cheek, "Ava was crying..." she mumbled to herself as she felt her heart beginning to sting with pain.

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