Magical Sickness

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Asch had just woken up from his slumber, his mind was racing on what Rhys had told him the other day, it was all he was thinking about until he fell asleep. Now though, he knew his goals as of now, but it will take time and honestly he knew he didn't have the patience to actually wait so long, but if he has any chance to win Flora over and retrieve what his family lost, he's going to have to go by Rhys's suggested. With that in mind, he quickly got up and began making his way down to the center of their base, originally had plan to see if Flora was awake, only to notice Leif attempting to strike at Ava which made him toss a fireball at the albino, "why do you insist on denying my orders," he barked.

He watched as Leif try and regain his ability to stand, "you all knew how I was when I asked to become a knight!"

"You, Rhys, and Noi are supposed to court the human Princess Sorceress! You guys won't be able to do that if she's dead!" he growled, he really didn't have time for this, he should be seeing if Flora was even awake at all at the moment. "She's already dead!" went Leif causing him to freeze in place, "What!?" he quickly rushed over to see if it was true and sure enough Ava held a look of death on her face as he lifted her up from the waters, "Wh-who did this? It was you wasn't it!?" he barked at Leif.

"I wish!"

"What do we do?" went Pierce who was panicking more than he was.

Sure he wasn't courting Ava, but this will be troublesome since Flora could actually deny either their advances because of her sister's death. Asch gave Ava a long look of worry before he made up his mind, "Rhys!"

"No Asch, don't tell him!" went Leif.

"We have no choice!" he went, "Rhys!"

However, there was no sign of the blue Daemos, "where's Rhys?" asked Pierce.

Leif gasped, "what if Ava and Flora's parent send their nine hundred and eleven soldiers on him!" he panicked while Asch was more likely in denial of this fact, "how would they even know she's dead!?"

"She's a powerful Sorceress! She said her parents put an overprotective spell on her"

"What does that even mean!?"

"I don't know, but it probably means Rhys is dead!"

"W-w-we shouldn't panic," went Pierce.

"Ava's dead we should panic!" screamed Leif followed by a thud sound causing all three Daemos's to look towards the doorway to see Noi looking at them, eyes widen with disbelief and sadness, "A-Ava's dead?"

"Aw shiii-"

"Sit down Noi, we're still trying to figure th-" Pierce didn't get a chance to finish as Noi pushed the Prince away and quickly began dragging the human out of the spell pool, "what are you doing Noi!?"

"Y-You're lying she isn't dead!"

"Look at her Noi!"

"No, No, No, this can't be happening!" whimpered Noi

"Give her back!"

"No! I won't let you just throw her body away!" he screamed before running off with Ava over his shoulder.

"After him!" ordered Asch as he got up and glared at his two knights who run after Noi; today won't be going as plan after all.

'Hot... It's so hot!' she went as she began kicking the silky blanket off of her body, allowing her body to be more exposed to the elements of her room. 'It's still so hot, why is it so hot!?' she thought as she try to open her eyes, but they refuse to even attempt to open, her thoughts were nothing but images of orbs overlapping each other, spinning, and swirling around until she felt nothing, but the overbearing heat that spread through her body, her veins, and with each beat of her heart. 'I feel like giving something, but give what? What do I have that I can freely give?' She thought as she felt herself try and get up from the comforts of her bed and try to at least stand on her two feet; her body didn't wish to cooperate well with her brain and wanted to collapse, but she forced her knees to lock in place as she stiffly walked forward and reach her arms outwards trying to feel for the door. Luckily she didn't have to wait long and soon felt the wooden designs of the door, she spread her hand around in attempts to find the knob in hopes to call out for help, but by the time she found the knob and open the door, her consciousness went blank and she fell into a deep sleep.

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