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Hey SinglePringles, sorry for taking so long, but I really wanted to get over this small stump and so I got back onto it, but this chapter is pretty small, but heads up from now on there will be more chapters involving Savaric and his men now, but hints of the others may show up so please be patient.


"Hello again"




She sat upon the branch of the pale tree once more, feeling the cool breeze touch her skin as she listens to the soft voices of the lights that danced around her. The citrus smell and florist dewdrops landing on her form as if they were kisses from the beings beyond the light, she taken the fruit once again finding it now sprung with life as it was cradled in her hand.

"Eat it"

"Taste it"

"Sweet nectar"

"Divine blessing"

"Praise us"

"Praise you"

She hummed as she pressed the plump fruit to her lips before smirking against it, "nice try you guys..." she whispered sweetly as she moved the fruit from her and looked above the glowing lights as they seem flustered and disappointed.

"Not again"

"Stop teasing"

"Become one"

"One of us"


"One of us"

She leans back against the bark as she allowed their voices to accompany her, "Where am I?" she looked down to see a familiar ravenette, "Ava," she went jumping down from the branch to hug her sister, "Flora!" she went hugging tightly as both twins tremble, "are you okay? Are you safe?"

"I'm fine Ava... I am sorry for leaving without a guard-"

"Never mind that Flora, I just want to know if you're okay," she said seeing her pink eyes shimmer with tears, "I'm okay... I've gained some allies here..." she went smiling as the voices around them begun speaking once more.




"Daughters of Alexandria"




"Two of them"

"Who's that?" her twin whispered as they begun to hear the name over and over again, "I don't know... I have no clue what that is," went Flora as she eyed their surrounding as the tree groans within movement, "what's going on?" the atmosphere grew heavy as the two began to feel uneasy and soon both sisters were clouded with darkness separating them both from each other once more, "Ava!" she cried out, "AVA!!!!!"

                                            "AVA!" she reached out, but released she had woken to the real world, the golden comforter was her only ground as she curled upon the bed, feeling overwhelmed with bitter emptiness as she missed the feeling of her sister beside her.

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