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"Markus! Wake up, we have to go out today!" the old general opened his eyes to see his small mistresses beaming down at him, "Lady Flora, Lady Ava, it's quite early for yelling, don't you think?" he asked; he was groggy and felt exhausted from the day before training, even though he didn't need to it brought some sort of comfort to keep up on his strength, stamina, and senses. "True, but you sleep like a log," giggled Flora as she laid herself onto the male, "you're hard to wake up," said Ava as she leaned on his chest; the grown Daemos let out a hearty chuckle from his throat before he quickly got up and scooped both sisters in his arms, "nonetheless, you must learn patience in order to achieve anything girls, that is the first rule of life whether living or fighting," went Markus as both sisters nod to his moral.

"Did our Princesses wake you up early again Markus?" asked Devon causing the old General to laugh, "yes, but it's no problem, it's a nice way to wake up to the day," he admits. The blond male smiles at the confession before turning his attention down the hall, "breakfast will be ready within an hour, girls... you both need to get ready for Ms. Marla's lesson, you have an 2 hours to get clean, ready, and eat ladies," went Devon as he took off leaving the three alone, "oh no! Let's get going Ava! See you later Markus!" exclaimed Flora as she jumped off the male and ran off with her sister following behind her.

Markus was ready for the day seeking out for Devon and Andrew before bumping into his Queen, "my lady?"

"Morning Markus, and please call me Marla, humans don't have titles remember?" she smiled.

"As that may be," he went, "you'll always be my Queen, even if we are no longer on Daemos," Marla smiled at her General before both heard the sound of squeals from down below, "seems lively today, I hope they stay still for their lesson," she went. Both Queen and General walked downstairs to see both girls happily finishing their breakfast, "Devon, Andrew, good morning," went Marla.

"Good morning Queenie~!" sang Devon as he laid a plate before her, "Now, now no teasing at the table," said Andrew, "good morning Marla, Markus, I hope you guys are well today."

"It was pleasant, though I noticed it's been raining quite a lot recently," said Marla.

"I noticed that too," said Devon, "it's already the middle of August and it's raining as if its winter, half of the roads have been flooded because of how much rain there's been." Markus was concerned about this as well; as of late he felt that this rain was not normal, even if he had stayed with the Lords of the Land for six seasons in. It seemed it was abnormal for the rain to keep going for six weeks straight. "Well we can only hope that it lights up before the party with the Andersons next week," said Andrew; Marla gave Markus a sudden look as if telling him to do something, but what could he do? Stop the rain? Not like he could, though he may have a lot more magic compare when in Daemos, it took longer to replenish it since they couldn't go hunting for humans anymore.

"Alright, I best be going, I have to keep up with our campaign if we are to get same-sex marriages legal here," said Andrew.

"Please be careful darling."

"Stay safe Daddy!"

"Bye Papa!"

"Come home safely Andrew."

Markus nods to the male who smiled at them all before waving to them as he left, though Markus was concerned about something... Today felt different... like something was coming, but he wasn't sure-

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