Volume II is out

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As you know SinglePringles (if you actually read my conversation tab) I was planning on posting the Volume II of Bouquet of Diamonds... well I wanted to write it here so that others know.

I posted the second volume out already at least the first introduction of the story then announced (on tabs) that I will be posting the rest near the beginning of either October or November and well... After having a sudden spark of inspiration I am happy going to declare that Chapter 1-3 will be poste don September 10th. 

I can confidently say I am ready for the next volume and honestly I had been planning this book since the beginning of Book 1 of this series... 

It's all thanks to you guys.

I also wanna take this time to thank EACH and EVERY ONE of you guys, this story was so much fun to make and the following one will just be as fun. I also wanted to say that there will be many hidden secrets between the pages some subtle, others not so much, some outright in the open, but people ignored it. I made many hints about the second volume since the beginning and it's because of this I wanted people to figure things out, not just about the Daemos or their purpose on Earth, but of other hints that entangled them and the people apart of this world. 

I will say there will be less about the Daemos world in Volume II, but doesn't mean you guys won't be fascinated by it. 

Though I better go silent for now, don't want to spoil things, but my request is to look in the hashtags on the second Volume... you'll see many secrets will be added as the story goes on. 

Actually quite surprised no one looked on the tags for this one, but hey many are hungry for content for this world, I am just giving it. 

I think that is it for now, I may be start posting some stuff on Twitter about things, maybe some artwork I have plan to share.

Other than that, I will end the book with this quote to begin you're new journey with a little warning:

"Play nice readers, and DON'T piss them off~"

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