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Flora and Asch had barely reached the city street when Flora's phone went off; it was a text message from Ava saying to bring home some bread when they get back. "Well, I guess we can do that, but for now how about we take a ride on the bus for now," went Flora as she gestured the Prince to follow her. Asch quietly tailed behind her as they wandered down the street in silence; he was a bit nervous with all the weird things going on around him, but he was more nervous about the female by his side.

"You guys didn't get a chance to enjoy the outside world, huh?" she asked.

"No, Princess Ava had us leave early last time, which made the whole trip pointless," growled Asch though Flora was use to the man's growls now, "well we'll be out here for a while, especially with what I have plan for today," she said as she then took hold of his hand and guided him to the bus stop. Asch found himself blushing as he felt her small slender hand in his grasp; both had managed to make it on time for the bus to come around which startled Asch. He was ready to attack if Flora hadn't stopped him and explained about transportation and how humans drove them; he listened intently as she explained to the best of her ability. Once Flora paid for them they both seated themselves in the back far from other people, "so where exactly are we going?" he asked as Flora pondered on that answer, "I-I'm unsure for now, but- wait! I know a place we can go and it isn't that far" she went excitedly.

Asch grew curious now on what this would be, but Flora just spoke of saying it was a surprise both sat in comfortable silence for a while as people came and go, until they stopped at a park, but it wasn't the one Ava had taken the boys to, "come on!" she giggled as she grabbed his hand again and thanked the driver before exiting it out of the bus. Standing before them was indeed a new park however, it looked rather empty and old, however Flora kept tugging Asch down the pathway until they manage to make it to a small section of the area, "this place is empty, and nothing seems interesting, why did you bring me here?!" he growled.

Flora giggled and simply said, "this is a special day Asch! I wanted Ava to join me, but I felt like you needed it more than her at the moment," she tugged him closer to the woods before he noticed ribbons and streams of silk hanging on the trees. Both of them then went deeper into the woodland area before he began hearing the sounds of fainted music, then finally he saw it... there were tents and people around, the sounds of laughter and smells of delicious food sung in the air.

"I remembered when I told you about Witches and warlocks..." she then took hold of his arm and leaned against him, "today is the Harvest Moon Festival... I thought it was a good idea to bring you for this holiday!" smiled Flora as she began bring him closer.

He noticed the wooden gates which were decorated with colors of red, brown, and green, "Merry meet!" he heard as he saw a young woman standing before the gate in her arms was a plant that was a goldish-yellow and was dress in a green dress with purple flowers crowning her head, "merry meet" went Flora as she gave a small bow to the woman who returned it, "has the festival begun?"

"It just started, so you have time now, please enjoy sister, bless it be!" she went waving as they entered through the gates. Asch looked around curiously as he noticed how young children went around running playfully, men talking, and women giggling. All dressed in red, brown, or green colors... He sort of felt out of place here for some reason, "what exactly is this about?" he asked earning Flora's attention, "it's a sacred time of the month where the earth season changes and the time we harvest the crops of the fields and spend joyous months of the final months of summers, we wait until morning to see the moon fully up in the sky and basically party and give thanks to the Goddess Demeter for bring us a successful summer" smiled Flora.

"Wow..." was all he said feeling rather excited now about the whole ordeal, "now come on, I want you try a few things," she went as she dragged him to one of the tents.

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