Past Guardian

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Ava paced within the living room as Flora sat down beside Rhys, both had been nervous on meeting this man, but it was unavoidable; he'll be there soon and honestly they weren't sure how to actually talk to the man who saved their lives. "Princess Ava, calm down, you make me anxious just by looking at you," went Leif more as a joke than a serious note, "WHY WOULDN'T I THE MAN WHO SAVED OUR LIVES IS COMING! NOT TO MENTION HE WAS A DAEMOS THIS WHOLE TIME! SHOULD WE EVEN TRUST HIM?! WHO'S TO SAY OUR BIOLOGICAL MOTHER IS A DAEMOS TOO?!" she shouted.

"Calm down Ava, yelling won't make this encounter any easier, we need to keep a level head," went Flora.

"A level head!? Easier said than done! I can barely handle any of this!" She went.

"You can't handle it!? Ava, I literally remember everything that had happened to us in that town, if anyone has the right to freak out it's me, but I'm not going to... because I wanna know who we were before Ava. Maybe he knows about her... Or about the other woman..." she went causing the ravenette to pause mid-step. As much as she hates to admit it, her sister has a point... A large chunk of her childhood was gone, all she remembers was being saved, and then she was adopted with her sister, packed up to leave the small town. She didn't remember much before then it was as if someone erased her memory of everything that had happened to her and her sister when they were just babies. However, she always wondered why Flora remembered these events despite never truly knowing the faces of the people of the past.... She envied her sister since she possibly remembered the look of their mother, yet when asked, all Flora told her was that she doesn't look like either of them and that she had no face. It left Ava believing it was all a dream or fantasy made by her sister's mind, but now... Her parents confirming it, a man from their past is showing up in their home in about a few minutes, and is the Father of one of the boys. The possibility of their origins scares her... The possibility of her not being human...

"He's here..." went Flora as she got up from the couch, both equally nervous about this, but there was no turning back, not like that had a choice anyway. "Pierce-" the General was already up and ready to greet the new man, though his face was stoic and calm, yet there was a tinge of wariness in his blue eyes as they stared down where the entrance of the apartment was at. Flora was the first to walk towards the door as Pierce followed behind her, hearing the settle knocks which were calm and in sync for a time. She took hold of the knob and with steady breathing she opened it to see the person who had saved her and Ava's lives.

The other Daemos were just as nervous to know about the fact of someone else from their world, though none of them were as excited as Asch was... The possibility of finding the whereabouts of the one who he had lost was so important to him. "Asch, should we keep our defenses up just in case?" asked Rhys as he leaned closer by his side, "if necessary, then yes, but be sure to keep the girls safe," he went before eying Pierce whose form was standing beside Ava and behind Flora. No one from the other side of the room had spoken, but nonetheless seem to welcome in the figure they were staring at for a good while.

Once they made room for him to enter, all the Daemos stood still at the sudden recognition of this particular male.

He looked a lot like Pierce, same sienna tone skin, and piercing blue eye however the other was sealed shut by a scar that went down from the top of his brow to the bottom of his cheek. His hair was black instead of the brown color their comrade had, assuming it was a mother's inheritance, though unlike Pierce the male was a bit taller and more bulky than him, save for how he held himself.

"Seeing all three of you here, is truly remarkable," he went.

His voice was almost like a whisper, yet husky and calm causing both the females to loosen up the tensions they were feeling just minutes before. "Glad to see my son has grown to be a fine young man," he went giving a small yet settle smile to the male behind the girls, but it went into a sadden frown, "I'm sorry for leaving you behind, my boy, it was never my intention."

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