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"What! No! How could you do that!" Louis cried out hitting the heel of his hand against the steering wheel.

"I had to know what I was getting into! Eyes on the road Tomlinson." I said pointing at the window as he gave me a side glance. He groaned.

"Come on! Now I don't know what's going on. You were supposed to be scared it would have made me feel better." I laughed shaking my head at him. He was complaining because I let it slip that I looked up the synopsis of the movie. It was Rated R for a reason and I wanted to know what I was getting into. Scary movies are only my thing when I know what's going on.

The only time I didn't look up a synopsis is when Harry, in the spur of the moment, bought tickets for Entrance to Hell instead of Captain America: Winter Soldier. I had complained immensely and cried a number of times during the movie. Harry thought it was cute though.

"Oh I'll still be scared. I'll just know what's going on." I said shaking my head. "Also um.. There's a random sex scene.." I said blushing and turning to look out the window. Louis chuckled.

"How do they  find the time to fuck when demons from an alternate dimension are chasing them?"

"That's exactly what I said!" I exclaimed turning back to him, a brilliant smile on my face. This was going so well. Extremely well actually. Louis was funny and sweet and he actually seemed to be interested in me. I was almost sad when we pulled into a parking space at the theater.

"Okay, so you're still gonna be scared? You just won't do it for my benefit?" Louis asked bumping shoulders with me as we walked through the plaza.

"No I won't do it for your benefit. How would you benefit from my pure horror?" I demanded. "I'll be scared because it's scary." Louis laughed.

"Usually when I see movies like this with people, there's always that one person who is scared to death who everyone comforts. It's like you feed all of your energy about being scared into them."

"So you're saying you want me to be scared so you're not scared?" I asked.

"Hey, if you ever see me scared it is not a pretty sight. Promise. I become a giant baby." I start laughing as I grab his hand and Louis laughs with me.

"Oh come in it can't be that bad." I said, bravely giving his hand a squeeze.

"It won't be with you here."

"Because I'll be the scared one?"

"No, because you're here." I paused and smiled up at him. He stepped closer and I realized then that he might kiss me. Louis Fucking Tomlinson was going to kiss me. Well he might have, if Harry and Toni hadn't walked up.

"Hey guys!" Harry said brightly, the smile on his face as bright as the sun. Toni glared at Harry a little then gave me a look of apology. I guess she knew what might have happened if they hadn't come up. I shrugged at her as Louis let go of my hand to greet Harry. Toni tugged on my arm and pulled me over.

"You guys look great together." She whispered excitedly. "Was he going to kiss you? I felt the vibe." I laughed.

"I felt it too." I whispered back. Toni scoffed and rolled her eyes before glancing at Harry.

"He's oblivious. We saw you guys as you entered the plaza when we had parked and he said lets go catch up to them but I said no because you guys were laughing but he was insistent." I rolled my eyes as I smiled. Typical Harry.

"Hey Toni these too are going to see Catch Me If You Can." Harry said with a devilish smile. Toni gasped and brought her hands to her face, covering her mouth.

"No! We are not seeing that!" She squeaked out. Harry laughed.

"I thought so, come on I'll buy our tickets." Harry said motioning for her to walk over. She smiled at me before walking to him. He draped his arm over her shoulders as they stepped into line. Louis and I got in behind them.

"Talking about me?" Louis whispered in my ear as he took my hand again.

"You wish." I whispered back.

"See you guys after the movie!" Harry called out.

"Let's get frozen yogurt after!" Toni added as they both waved. Louis and I nodded and smiled as we headed down the different corridor for our movie.

"Ready to do this?" I asked, grinning up at Louis whose grip on my hand tightened.

"I really wish I looked up the synopsis."

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