0.5 - apologies

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"Addie!" Harry whines as I smoothly exit the room when the bell rings leaving him and Toni in my wake. "We'll see you later. I think I've upset her. Nothing to worry about." Harry says not too quietly to Toni. I'm guessing she doesn't have next period English with us. "Addie wait!" Harry complains. I neither stop nor reply to him. "What did I do?" Harry groans following closely at my heels. I spin around so quickly he bumps into me. I glare up at him.

"If you have to ask then you don't deserve to know the answer." I hiss. Harry seems a little stunned. I've never directed any sort of anger towards him. Not even anything close to it. I spin around again and continue stalking towards our next period.

"Because I gave her your seat." Harry replies. I grind my teeth. "Addie you're still my girl!" He says with a sigh. His girl. What a joke. What a sick joke.

"Whatever." I mutter shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

"It's not whatever. You're mad. Come here." He grabs hold of my shoulder and I stop but I don't turn around to look at him. I know what's coming. He's going to say something or do something and everything is going to be forgiven. I want to remember this bout of anger for later, so I have something to fuel me forward in our oncoming fight. It's been building up for a while, the end of our friendship and virtually my love for him, is emanate.

"What?" I demand of him. "We have class. We're going to be late." Harry girns as he moves around and stands in front of me.

"My best friend is pissed. Fuck school." He says lightly before wrapping his arms around me tightly. He smells amazing. Like fabric softener and oranges. He squeezes me into his chest before breathing out and letting go of me. That's always the worst part. When the hug ends.

"I'm still pissed." I grumble not looking up at those gorgeous green eyes of his. Harry laughs.

"I'll make it up to you. You won't be pissed for long. Promise." He slings his arm around my shoulders as we continue to class. I don't shake him off I just mutter under my breathe about it and glare at the ground. I always forgive him. Always.

I don't see Toni again until lunch. Apparently Harry and her have fourth period together though. I have everything but fourth and sixth with Harry. Typical. Of course she would be in one of the only classes I don't have with him. Or maybe they just ran into each other. I doubt that. The universe likes to find ways to torture me. I saw them both stride into the cafeteria laughing and smiling. They already looked like a couple and Harry just met her!

Please let her go her own way Harry. I begged him mentally. Please Harry. If you have any sort of feelings toward me. We're both usually good at receiving each other's mental thoughts, but Harry often ignores mine. He looks at me now with slightly narrowed eyes and shakes his head. He's not going to send her away.

"Hey Toni." I say pleasantly enough as her and Harry join me at the small round table. I drop my backpack onto the floor so Harry can sit next to me but he takes the seat by Toni. Damnit Harry! This was our time to interrogate her as a team! Not for you to get all cuddly with the new girl! "How's you first day going?" I question trying not to draw attention to how upset I am right now.

"Umm.. It's ok I guess. I mean it's school." Harry's lips twitch like he's trying not to smile. "The people are sort of nice." She shrugs.

"Cool. Make any other friends?" Harry sends me a look and I send one back. Simple question. She should be able to answer. Toni brushes her blonde hair back over her shoulder and shifts the bag in front of her.

"Not really. I've met you guys and these other girls in my History class but they're really... Mean." She says softly like she doesn't want them to hear her bad mouthing them.

"Who?" I question cocking my head as I pull out my sandwich. Harry bites down on his bottom lip when he sees what it is. He's always teasing me about my choice in sandwiches. Peanut butter and bananas. Don't discriminate if you've never tasted it. Best thing my mom has ever created for me.

"Well there's this girl Lindsey and another named Casey." She shrugs again. I shiver. Lindsey and her army of blonde mercenaries constantly pick on everyone. They stay away from me because I'm friends with Harry, and Harry is easily the hottest boy in our class. In our school really. I've seen what they do to other people though. It's sickening.

"Oh. Okay." I say with a small shrug. "They're a little.." I don't know how to finish the sentence.

"Rude." Harry interjects.

"To put it mildly, yeah." I reply with a grin. Toni smiles at Harry who turns his gaze towards her. It's starting.

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