1.1- bets

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"Mom." I say slowly walking into the living room. She has barely gotten home from work at the bank but I need to tell her about the date. She'll want to hear this.

"There's my Addie." She says like a child holding her arms out for me. I smile and hug her back before sitting on the couch next to her. "What's up munchkin?" She asks petting my hair.

"I.. I'm going out on a date." Her eyes light up.

"Oh I knew it!" She exclaims. "Jack!" She shouts, calling my dad. "Get you butt in here!" She continues. "Addie has news." Then she turns back to me when we hear dad rustling around and about somewhere in the house. "Oh I knew it. Anne and I had a bet you know." A bet? Oh my god she thinks I'm talking about..

"What? What news?" My dad asks rushing around the corner, emerging from the hallway. I watch my mom stand up and hold her hand out to my father.

"Pay up!" She cried out.

"What?" My dad asked. Oh my god he was in on it too.

"She's going on a date with Harry! Pay up." She demands. This is where I step in, jumping up.

"Mom! Mom! It's.. It's not Harry." I cry out. They look at me confused. "I can't believe you bet on this!" My mom and dad looked sheepish. "What else have you bet on?" I demanded.

"Thats not important right now. Who are you going out with sweetheart?" My mom asked, walking back towards me and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"His name is Louis Tomlinson. He's a soccer player." I said, blushing lightly.

"Oh that Tomlinson kid? I work with his father." My dad said stepping forward smiling. "Great kid. Good grades." I blush harder.

"Did he ask you out?" My mom asked excitedly.

"Well um yeah. Harry helped.. A bit." I murmured.

"He did? Well how nice of him!" My mother exclaims walking away.

"Whoa, whoa wait!" I call out as both of my parents turn around. "Come back here. What is this about a bet? Are you guys and Anne betting on Harry and I getting together?" I asked feeling like a parent as I put my hands on my hips.

"No." My mom said in a small voice. "Robin and Gemma are betting too." My jaw dropped.

"What! Why?" I cried out. "Whose side are you guys on?" I shouted dropping down onto the couch in disbelief. My mom sat with me.

"It started a long time ago honey, when you guys were children." She said comfortingly. "Anne and I were adamant that you two would get together!" I groaned and covered my eyes. This wasn't happening. "Your father didn't think so."

"Dad!" I cried out. "Why?"

"Hey, I'm not suppose to like anyone you date. It's in the Book of Dad. I just don't think you guys will ever get together. You're best friends! That's not the kind of friendship you want to ruin." Boy did I know that. My mom shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"When Gemma found out she bet against him too but Robin is with your father. They think you guys are too close to ever be together." My mom continued to roll her eyes.

"It's a valid point." My dad pointed out. I groaned again.

"Please don't bet on this!" I complained. That would just make me anxious.

"I'm sorry sweetheart! But it's great that you're going on a date." She said smiling at me. "Where are you going? When's he getting you? Are you eating here? With him?"

"Mom, mom calm down I'll tell you all about it."

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