0.2 - weddings

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"Want to go to a wedding with me?" Harry asks abruptly sitting down in front of me at lunch. Startled I jump a little and stare up at him quizzically.

"A wedding." I repeat slowly. Harry grins.

"Ya? You wanna come or not?" I cock my head confused.

"Whose wedding? Isn't that a little.. Romantic?" I say trying not to blush too hard.

"My mums, idiot and yeah weddings are always romantic." I gasp and smack my hand over my mouth.

"Your mom and Robin are getting married!" I shout excitedly. Harry starts laughing and nodding his head. He's smiling like a fool while I stand up and hit him form across the table.

"Ow! Come on! This is good news!" He complains rubbing his arm, still wearing that stupid smile.

"You could have worded it differently. Start with the good news and then ask me to come with you." I replied shaking my head and laughing. I went back to eating when I realized the context of what he might be saying. "What do you mean go with you? Like as a plus one? Am I not invited?" Harry chuckles lowly shaking his head.

"Cours your invited! I just wanted to sound vague love. Jesus you think too far into everything." My heart sinks a little. I thought he might be asking me out. I smile anyways.

"Yeah you're right." I shrug and Harry opens his bag of chips easily and shifts his bottle of water on his tray.

"So you're comin ya?" I shake my head slowly.

"Why would I want to go to a boring wedding?" Harry stares at me. He never can tell when I'm trying to be funny. Probably because I'm not really funny. He never laughs at my jokes but I always laugh at his. That's our relationship though  I guess. I laugh at his jokes and he doesn't even smile at mine. I'm more in love with him than he is with me. "It was a joke idiot. Of cours I'm going." I say happily. Harry smiles them laughs.

"Good! It would be weird not havin you there. Plus my mum would be upset. So would Gem." He says nodding his head and staring intently at the sandwich in his hands.

"You wouldn't be upset?" I question. I always do this. Fish for affection. Anything that will let me know that he loves me even a little bit. Harry arches an eyebrow at me.

"You're my best friend. I would be pissed off Addie." I grin and feel a slight blush creeping up my cheeks. Addie. His childhood nickname for me. Adelaide was apparently too hard for that slightly chubby, bowl haired boy. He only uses Adelaide when he's being completely serious.

"Pissed off?" I repeat with a wide smile.

"Yes. If you didn't show up I would drive over to your house make you put on a dress and drag you off with me." I start laughing and shake my head at him.

"I have to dress up?" He snorts.

"Umm yes? It's a wedding. Dress beautifully." I snort.

"Beautifully? Ya right." I joke lightly rolling my eyes.

Beautiful? Far from it. I'm plain. Plain Jane. Even though Jane isn't my name. Plain Adelaide doesn't sound as nice though. With dark hair that hangs limply down my back and over my shoulders. Boring hazel eyes that don't have gold or blue flecks in them. They're just a mix of green and brown that almost reminds me of throw up. I'm what one might call "pancake flat". I have nothing going on anywhere, but I'm not extremely skinny either just lanky. Long arms, long legs, flat chest. Average, boring, nobody.

"You always look beautiful Adelaide." Harry says catching my eye. I try not to blush too hard as I stare back at him.

"You're supposed to say that. You're my best friend." I reply slowly.

"No. If you were ugly I would tell you." I start laughing throwing back my head. When I look at Harry again he's smiling but get's that serious look on his face again. "You're beautiful Adelaide, but everyone looks better in a dress." I grin.

"So you would look a little cuter wearing a bright pink frilly dress?" I question reaching over and tousling his messy brown curls. He's gotten in the habit of backing it up over his forehead. He's continuously running his hands through it just to keep it up and it's probably one of the hottest things I've ever seen him do. I miss his messy curls though, the ones that hung in his face.

He glares at me now through the strands of his hair. I point at him, laughing again, unable to get over the look on his face. He looks totally disgusted and a little distressed. He brings his hands up and runs them through his hair. It's perfectly placed in no time but I still laugh quietly under my breath.

"You wouldn't be laughing if I messed up your hair." Harry points out, though he makes no move to do the same to mine.

"I would probably punch you Harry." I say with a smile. He rolled his eyes.

"Exactly what i thought you would say."

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