0.3 - bumps

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They met because of me. Isn't that how it always works? The girl in love with the boy accidentally hands him his dream girl and they end up falling in love, getting married and having four children. Of course this would happen to me though. Of course it would. The universe has some sort of vendetta against me. It likes watching me suffer and wither in pain while Harry kisses, touches, and falls in love with other girls.

The particular moment I'm talking about happened the next day in the early morning. The bell hadn't even rung yet. Harry and I were weaving through the crowd together. I was laughing at something he had said when I ran right into another girl. With a squeal she dropped everything in her hands and all her pencils, papers, notebooks, and the case for her glasses scattered across the tiled floor. While nothing of mine fell, Harry and I were both decent enough to bend down and help her.

"I'm so so sorry." She wailed in despair like I might hit her if she didn't apologize.

"It's fine. I should have been watching where I was going." She was shaking her head, her light blonde hair flying.

"This one is always causing trouble." Harry pipes in. The girl laughs nervously as I hit him with one of her notebooks.

"Don't make me look bad." I whined before handing the girl her notebook. "My name's Adelaide. This dork is Harry. I don't think I've seen you around before." I state as the three of us rise up off the floor. She hugs her books tighter to her chest and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"That's because I'm new." She says a bit shyly.

"Oh well that's okay. Good thing you ran into me. Not many kids around her would have forgiven that so easily." The girl's blue eyes go wide.

"Wh-wha-what?" she stammers out. Harry grins and I can already tell he's mesmerized by her. How couldn't you be? The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the pale skin. Soft pink lips paired with a pale complexion. She screamed innocence and beauty all at the same time. I wondered what I must look like next to her. If she was an angel then I was the ground beneath her feet.

"She's kidding love." Harry buts in. I glance up at him and there's this little glint in his eyes. She looks up at him and her eyes widen again at that cocky smile of his before she averts her eyes and stains her cheeks red.

"What's your name?" I ask breaking up this little intimate moment.

"Toni. Toni Laurite." She sticks her hand out to me and it's all so formal I almost laugh. Instead I smile like I'm pleased, and not laughing, and shake her hand.

"Well like I said I'm Adelaide Devereux and this is Harry Styles." I drop her hand and gesture up at the dark haired boy next to me. He's smirking devilishly and holds out his hand to her. Toni blushes harder as she shakes his hand. My heart begins to sink to my stomach. Yesterday we were talking about weddings and he was calling me beautiful. Today he's shaking hands with beautiful girls and smiling like the devil.

"Hello." She says turning her face again. This does nothing to hide how red her cheeks are. Harry gives me a sideways glance and wiggles his eyebrows up and down a little. I give him a strained smile. Harry knows exactly what he's doing.

"What's you first class?" He questions drawing the conversation towards school. He probably wants to figure out her schedule so he can create a map in his head of the best times to catch her on her way to class or see how it coincides with his. Harry does this, stalks girls. Not in a creepy way. He just wants to be on their mind as often as he can and see them as much as he could before class, during class, after class. It's cute. I wish he would do that for me.

"Umm.." She fishes through her papers before pulling out a specific one. Toni pushes her glasses farther up her face and squints at the paper, eyes scanning it slowly. "I have umm.. History." Oh no.

"Great!" Harry cries out putting his hand on her shoulder. She's so startled she jumps up and stares at him a bit scared. "That's where we're headed." He nods to me and Toni slides her gaze toward me. I grin but drop the smile when she looks back up at Harry. "You can come with us."

"I.." she says, probably in an attempt to decline the offer or in worst case scenario, accept it. She never finishes her sentence though.

"Come along. Addie." Harry says turning Toni in the right direction before motioning me to follow them. I walked behind them slowly, already feeling like a third wheel.

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