1.5- one month

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"Hey babe, happy one month." Louis said, coming up from behind and kissing my cheek. I laughed and pushed him away as he did this. I was at my locker in the middle of a crowded hallway and I had always been a little self-conscious of public displays of affection. Louis loved it on the other hand. I think he just likes to watch me squirm.

"Happy one month to you too Louis." I said smiling at him as I grabbed a certain notebook I needed. Louis and I had officially been together for a month. This was my longest relationship so far, because it was the only one I had had, but it was still nice. There was only a little sour note with it being our one month anniversary, it meant that Toni and Harry's two month anniversary was right around the corner.

"So we're still on for tonight right?" Louis asked cautiously. I laughed and nodded.

"Of course. Where else would I go?" Louis sighed in relief and shook his head.

"I don't know. You could figure out I'm not good enough for you and run away." There was something in his expression that confused me but I laughed it off.

"If anything, you'll figure out I'm not good enough for you Louis." I said lightly, grabbing his hand. He entwined our fingers with a smile.

"I'll never get over you." He whispered in my ear before kissing my hair. Blushing, we continued talking as Louis walked me to my first period. I hated this class now. I hated listening to Harry and Toni giggle and talk behind each other's hands. They even slipped each other notes. What happened to texting? Some part of me wanted to believe that Harry reserved texting sweet messages to me. But I knew that wasn't true.

"I'll see you at break." I murmured to Louis as he bent down and kissed me.

"Always." He replied with a smile, before walking away. I gave him a small wave and entered the classroom slowly. To my surprise though, Toni wasn't in her regular seat. Harry sat in the back though, grinning like mad as he waved me over. I smiled and quickly walked outward him. Toni must be sick. So today was going to be one of those rare days where we were alone together.

"Was that Louis I saw?" Harry asked, leaning in a smile on his face. I shrugged and nodded, biting my bottom lip as I fought a smile. "So how are you two? It's one month now right?"

"How do you know that? It's not even your anniversary." I said with a laugh. Harry just shrugged, still smiling.

"It's you Addie. You're my Princess and I want to make sure you find your perfect Prince. So if I can remember your guys anniversary and he can't then he's not a keeper." I laughed and shook my head.

"Well no worries Squire he remembered, were going out tonight." Harry grinned.

"I'm glad to hear it."

"So how are you and Toni?" I questioned lightly. I never really liked asking him about Toni because he would go off on a spiel but he had asked about Louis so I felt obligated to ask about Toni.

"We're great!" He exclaimed. "It's almost our two month." I nodded and smiled before quickly changing the subject.

"So hey, how are your mom and Robin's wedding preparations going? The dates been set already right?" Harry's eyes lit up. He was elated that this wedding was taking place and I was too. We hadn't talked much recently but I did remember him saying a date had been set, I just didn't know when.

"They're doing just fine. My mom has a dress picked out already and we have the venue. It's going to be in April. It will be perfect." I nodded.

"The weather is nice around that time. It should be beautiful. I'm so excited for them." I said enthusiastically.

"Yeah! I've already invited Toni, make sure to invite Louis. My mom is dying to meet this boyfriend of yours." I laughed.

"You told her about my boyfriend?" Harry nodded.

"Of course. My mom loves you." I smiled. Harry tapped his chin, dark eyebrows furrowing together for a second. "Gemma was a bit weird about to though." He said absentmindedly. I blushed, remembering the bet my parents had told me about. Harry obviously didn't know I about it and I wanted to keep it that way.

"I'm sure she just wants the best for me. Once she meets him she'll see he's a nice guy." Harry nodded as the bell rang.

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