2.6- epilogue

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One Year Later

"So." Harry said, putting his arm around me and kicking his feet up into the vacant chair next to him. I rolled my eyes and leaned into him. "We're at another wedding." I snorted.

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed." Harry laughed, looking across the very familiar setting before fixing his eyes back down on me.

We were at another wedding, but not for his mother, it was for Gemma this time. While we had both been away at college, Jerry, Gemma's long time boyfriend finally grew a pair and proposed to her. Of course Gemma said yes and she even decided to wear Anne's wedding dress. It was altered a bit to fit more of Gemma's style but it was beautiful nonetheless.

Gemma asked me to be one of her bridesmaids and I gladly accepted. Gemma also decided to have the wedding take place at the same church and even booked the same venue that her mom had just the year previous. While the theme was different and so was the color scheme and decorations, it still reminded me of Anne's wedding.

"You know last year, you were sitting very much like this, at a table with me, except I was your best friend and Toni was your girlfriend." Harry groaned and removed his feet from the chair and shifted his arm off my shoulders.

"You're never going to let that go are you?" He asked, leaning in a bright smile on his face. His green eyes shining in the sunlight.

"Nope." I replied, smiling just as wide. He leaned in all the way and kissed me, placing his hand on the back of my neck. I kissed him back, relishing in the feeling of his lips against mine.

Sometimes, when I woke up in the morning, I believed for just a few seconds that Harry and I actually weren't together and it was just some elaborate dream I concocted in my head. I wasn't truly positive we were in a relationship until we were actually together, sitting next to each other. He pulled back, brushing his hair out of his face. I laughed. "You know, you're starting to look like a founding father Harry." He wrinkled his nose at me.

"You said you liked it. Don't tease me"

"I do like it!" I said earnestly, grabbing his hand and twining our fingers together. "Makes you look like a hippie!" Harry rolled his eyes at me as I laughed. I ran my hand through his soft silky hair while he smiled at me. "I do miss the curls though." He kissed my forehead.

"I'll cut it soon." He said. It sounded like a promise.

"Alright everyone, well every eligible lady, I'm about to toss the bouquet!" Gemma said excitedly into the microphone. Harry glanced over at his sister on the stage and grinned.

"You gonna go to that?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"I already have a boyfriend."

"Ah, but you and Gemma went last year." I snorted.

"Oh you remember that but you don't remember that I caught the bouquet?" Harry shrugged. "Then again you were sucking face with your ex-girlfriend. What was her name again?" Harry shoved my shoulder lightly while I laughed.

"Hey! Happy couple! Adelaide!" Someone called out. Harry and I looked over at Gemma on stage. "I know you've got a boyfriend but get your butt over here Addie!" Gemma exclaimed. Harry chuckled and pulled me up into a standing position.

"You better go before she drags you over there." He said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and leaned down to kiss him lightly before heading towards the stage, picking up my baby blue dress as I did so I wouldn't trip on it.

"There we go!" Gemma said happily as I stood at the back of the crowd. She smirked at me. "Alright ladies, here's to you!" She exclaimed before turning around and tossing the bouquet. I didn't want to catch it. I didn't even need to catch it. In fact, I didn't even move to make a grab for it. I guess the flowers had another thought in mind because, just like last time, they sailed in a perfect arch straight toward me.

Gemma was probably cheering the loudest out of everyone. I was laughing on the other hand. I couldn't believe I had caught it again. I stopped by Anne and Robin's table who congratulated me and eyed their son before pushing me off towards my parents.

"No." Was the first thing my dad said as I walked up to them. I laughed.

"Dad." I said, rolling my eyes as I hugged him.

"Just, no. Not next year, not the year after that, not until you two graduate." He said sternly. My mom hit him.

"Oh let them be." She said, rolling her eyes. "I think it's cute." I hugged her too and she whispered. "If he asks, you say yes."

"Okay mom." I said with a smile before going back to my table with Harry. He was standing up when I turned to look at him. He had one hand on the table and the other on his waist. He had a small smirk on his face, his hair blowing back slightly in the wind.

"You don't look too impressed." I said, waving the flowers around in his face. He pushed the flowers back and hugged me tightly.

"I did see you catch the bouquet last year." He murmured into my ear.

"What?" I asked, pulling back.

"I saw you catch it last year. You looked so surprised, stunned really." He said, pulling back before ushering me to my seat and sitting down next to me.

"You were kissing Toni." I said.

"Yeah, I kissed her right after I saw you catch the bouquet." I was confused, why would he pretend he hadn't seen me catch it then. "I pretended I didn't see it because I knew you were with Louis and you caught the bouquet so that meant.." He stopped.

"That I was going to marry him? Harry, it's just a bunch of flowers."

"I know, but.." He stopped. We've talked about this before, many times. He always says he didn't think his true feelings for me didn't surface until he saw me with Louis but he knew how happy I was so he didn't want to ruin it but then it ended up ruining his relationship with Toni, who, apparently, thought Harry was cheating on her with me and I was cheating on Louis with him. That's part of the reason he didn't believe me when I said Toni was cheating on him. Because she was suspicious of us and he couldn't wrap his mind around any of it. "You were with him and.."

"And it doesn't matter because you're my boyfriend now." I finished for him. Harry smiled softly, stroking my knuckles with his thumb.

"Yeah, I'm your boyfriend." He murmured moving in to kiss me. "And you're my girlfriend."

"Of course." I said with a smile.

"If I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?" He asked softly, pulling back.

"Yes." I replied without hesitation. Harry smiled.

"Good." He kissed me again.

I think I just agreed to marry him.

Hey everyone! So that's it. 😊 I haven't thought about writing a sequel for this or anything because I have a lot of stories already in the works but I can possible make one if anyone wants to put in a request. Other than that, I'm starting up my my Harry series again with the third book Disturbed Dawns, it's part of the Sleepless Nights series and it is going to follow One Direction from X-Factor to today! If you're sad about this book go have a look at that one. Otherwise, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. ✨☺️

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