1.9- bridesmaid

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"This is such a beautiful color." I said as I spun around in my bridesmaid dress. Gemma laughed and copied me. We were in their house trying on our dresses together because Anne wanted to make sure the dress still fit on my skinny frame. She said something like,

"You may have gotten skinner. Look at you! Always so petite." I laughed and said she was being ridiculous. I think she really just wanted to see me in the dress because I tried it on at my house without her. She probably just wanted to see how Gemma and I would look together too.

Gemma looks near perfection with her dyed light blue hair that compliments the dress so well. The dress itself looks like it was made for her. It fits in all the right places and the light purple color brings out her eyes. I hope I don't look plain next to her.

"You look wonderful." Gemma says excitedly, taking my hands. "We'll have to take tons of photos so you can show Louis how beautiful you looked." I smiled and nodded. "He's going to be sorry he wasn't there in person." I laughed.

"Knock, Knock." Harry said outside of Gemma's bedroom door. "Mother wants to see you girls. Are you ready?" I laugh and open the door for him.

"Yes, we're decent." I tell him, smiling ear to ear. Harry looks at me a bit stunned, like he just got the wind knocked out of him.

"Nice dress."

"Thanks. I like it too." I say with a laugh, glancing back at Gemma. But she's looking at Harry whose looking at me and I feel like I've ben left out of a big secret. When I glance back at Harry, he's staring at Gemma. Something seems to pass through them.

"Well, you best show her." Harry says making a sweeping motion towards the hallway. I walk out past him and Gemma follows. Anne gasps when she sees us.

"Oh my!" She exclaims, standing. "Look at my beautiful babies." Then she's rushing over and hugging me tightly. I hug her back as she squeezes me tight. She moves onto Gemma who laughs as she hugs her mom back. I can see Harry standing nearby out of my peripherals. I walk towards him.

"So if our dresses are purple are you wearing a purple tie?" I ask him. Harry shrugs and he looks different than he did just a minute ago.

"Maybe." Is all he says.

"Maybe?" I repeat. "The wedding is next week shouldn't you know?" I ask with a laugh. Harry just shrugs. Something's wrong. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask quietly. He starts, like I've caught him in the act. He leans back down against the wall and smiles tightly.

"My perceptive Adelaide." He murmurs. I offer him a small smile that he doesn't return. "I'm fine. I promise." He says before hugging me. I wrap my arms around his back. I want to suck out whatever pain he's in and accept it as my own. Harry is always open about his feelings so why isn't he being so know? What's changed?

"Oh come here Addie! I want to take a picture of you girls." I turn around and smile at Anne.

"What for?" I ask her, walking towards Gemma and standing next to her.

"It'll be like a before and after picture. This is what you two looked like without your hair, nails and makeup done and then there will be the after with all of that." She says excitedly. Gemma and I laugh lightly. "Oh come on. It'll be cute." Anne says firmly. "You two are so beautiful already I can't wait to see what you look like on my Wedding Day!" She exclaims, rushing around looking for the camera.

"I love your mom." I tell Gemma who laughs.

"She's basically your mom too Addie." I nod and laugh lightly because it's true. I turn my head to look at Harry but he's left his post by the wall. I frown a little and make a mental note to ask him about what was bugging him later.

But by the time I get out of my dress and begin to head home, I've completely forgotten about Harry's strange mood.

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