1.7- stay the night

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"Booo." I said throwing popcorn at the TV. Harry laughed at me as one of my least favorite contenders for America's Next Top Model got best photo.

"Hey! Don't make a mess." Harry said lightly, hitting his hand against my shoulder. His right arm was currently draped loosely at the back of the couch and we were sitting on the same sofa pillow with my legs tucked up next to me, my knees against his legs.

"But do you see her! I hate her." I grumbled. Glaring at the nearly empty bowl. Harry laughed again. It was Friday and Harry and I always hang out on Friday nights to watch one of our many favorite TV shows. Well, this is one of my favorites but I make him watch it with me. Harry wrinkled his nose at the TV screen.

"Yeah, I know but if you make a mess I'm going to have to clean it up." I laughed as I chewed popcorn, covering my mouth with my hand.

"If you say it like that I might purposely dump this on the floor." I told him shaking the contents of the bowl. Harry just rolled his eyes at me. We finished eating the popcorn as the program ended. Harry turned off the TV and stood up, stretching his arms above his head. I shook the kernels around in the bowl to distract myself from his exposed hip bones.

"I'll take that." He said, holding out his hand for the bowl. I gave it to him and he immediately began picking up the popcorn pieces I had thrown. "You wasted food." He said, glancing up at me from where he was kneeling on the ground.

"They were sacrificed for a good cause." I replied. Harry laughed as he finished and headed for the kitchen. "I should call my mom." I told him as I pulled out my phone to call her.

"Hey," he said slowly, getting me to pause mid-button pressing. He pursed his lips as he dumped out the kernels in the trash.

"Hey what Harry?" I asked with a laugh. "Don't leave me hanging." Harry smiled lightly.

"Wanna stay over?"

"You mean sleepover?" I asked, poking his side as he began washing the bowl.

"Same thing Addie." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Sure I'll stay Styles." I said with a smile as I called my mom.

"Hey sweetheart! Ready to leave?" My mom asked.

"Actually Harry asked if I could sleepover." I stuck my tongue out at him as he dried his hands. Harry threw the towel at me, which I caught, throwing it back. He grinned and put it away.

"Of course honey! I'll bring your stuff over."

"Thanks mom. See you soon." After saying goodbye Harry and I began getting everything ready. Whenever I slept over at his house, we would sleep on the floor together under tons of blankets with a giant mass of pillows behind us. Harry never wanted me to sleep on the ground alone now that we were two big to sleep in his bed.

When Harry sleeps over at my house we sleep together in the Queen sized bed of our guest room. We usually spend all night in there because there's a TV and a DVD player in there so we can entertain ourselves easily.

By the time my mom rings the doorbell, every open space of Harry's bedroom floor is covered in blankets and pillows. We smile at our handiwork before answering the door. My mom hands me a backpack of everything I'll need and kisses my cheek and then Harry's before saying goodbye.

Harry and I have slept over at each other's houses so often, it's almost second nature. My mom packs all the essentials like clothes for tomorrow, my nightclothes, toothbrush, hairbrush and some of our favorite movies. Sometimes, she even sneaks in food in the pouches. I toss Harry an MnM package as we make our way back to his room.

"Go ahead and shower first." He says, tossing himself down against the pillows as he pulls out his phone. I don't argue with him because we've had the argument before. It always ends with me taking a shower first. I pop the last couple of MnM's into my mouth as he taps out a reply to, I'm assuming, Toni.

I grab my nightclothes and step into his bathroom, locking the door. I'm pulling my hair out of my ponytail when I hear a small knock. I open the door and Harry stands there grinning as he holds out a towel. I smile back. "Thanks." I say taking it from him.

"No problem." He heads back to his room and I shut the door again. I quickly wash my hair using Gemma's shampoo and body wash before drying myself with the towel Harry brought me. I wrap my hair up in the towel before heading back to his room. He hits my shoulder, nearly knocking my towel off my head. I push him out the door as he laughs.

When I sit down on the mound of pillows, my back against the cold wall, I pull out my phone and respond to Louis.

Louis: Text me when you're back home then.

Addie: Hey! I'm actually going to sleepover at Harry's :D I'm about to put my phone down when I see the little bubbles signaling he's replying to the message. I wait.

Louis: Sleeping over at Harry's?? I arch an eyebrow at the text.

Addie: Yeah, we do this sometimes. No big deal.
Addie: We've been doing this for years. I add as an afterthought.

Louis: Oh okay :) I'm typing out a reply when Harry walks in. Except, he's not clothed. He has a towel wrapped around his waist and his curly hair is dripping wet, chest bare.

"I forgot my shorts." He mutters to himself, going to his drawer and pulling it open. I laugh at him.

"You always forget something." I say as I look back down at my phone. He blushes, rolls his eyes at me and heads back to the bathroom.

He comes back into the room and sits down next to me, shaking out his wet hair. I hit his shoulder and wipe my cellphone screen clean as he laughs. "Talking to Louis?" He asks.

"Mmm." Was my only reply.

"Mmm? That's all I get?" Harry says nudging me. I roll my eyes and lock my phone, placing it on the ground before turning to look at him.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask him.

"Let's just talk. I feel like we haven't done that in a while." He murmured. I looked up at him and his brown eyes looked warm and inviting. We were sitting so close I thought we might kiss but that was crazy because we were both in separate relationships. I broke our gaze.

"Okay, let's talk." I replied, sliding down so I could lay on my back. Harry copied me as he began to talk. Whenever we have these talking sessions, it always seems like one of us is talking more than the other who just smiles and nods and listens carefully.

I involuntary begin to close my eyes. Harry's low deep voice always seems to put me to sleep. "Hey Addie are you tired?" Harry whispered, clearly teasing me.

"No." I grumbled, pushing his away from me. Harry laughed and stood up, turning off the light to his room.

"It's okay, come on." He said, lifting the covers. I crawled under them and plopped my head back down on the pillows. Harry laid down next to me, his head next to mine. "Goodnight Addie." He murmured.

"Goodnight Harry." I replied, pulling the covers up higher to my head.

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