0.7 - one week

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Toni is a constant presence now. It's annoying. Harry sits between the two of us. I'm on his right and she's on his left. Not that he even knows I'm there. He's caught up in Toni and all her Toniness and the two weeks I had specified for Harry were slowly dwindling. There was only one week left until time ran out and I still hadn't come up with a good plan to break up this love affair. I was grasping for straws at this point. That is, until Toni approached me.

"Hey Addie, can I ask you something?" Toni said sitting down in front of me. Harry was absent today, the flu, which meant Toni and I had to actually hang out and talk instead of the two of them talking each others ears off. I chewed slowly before nodding.

"What you need?" I asked. Toni paused.

"Are you and Harry together." I almost chocked on my food.

"No." I replied immediately, my immediate response every time someone asks if Harry and I are together. Then I realize what a bad idea that was. If I had said yes, Toni might stay away but she probably wouldn't believe me either.

"But you want to be with him." I blushed.

"No." I replied again. Toni smiled sweetly.

"It's okay, I could tell."

"Are you going to tell him?" I asked, a bit scared. I wanted to be the one to tell Harry.

"Do you want me too?" I shrugged.

"Harry and I have known each other for years and he's... He's never looked at me twice. He's never looked at me like I've wanted him too." I explained slowly. "There's always someone prettier."

"Is that why you don't like me? Because you think I'll take Harry from you?" I didn't reply and she took my silence as a yes. "Have you ever asked him out?" I shake my head.

"I've never gotten a chance. He's always had girlfriends and I always allow a grieving period for him. Harry is kind of a fragile guy, especially when a girl breaks up with him or even if he breaks up with them! He's very emotional." I shrug. "Besides, I'm too scared."


"Because of what he might say. He might turn me down. We've known each other too long."

"That's a perfect reason to be together." I shake my head.

"You've never seen Harry when he's with his girlfriend. He showers her with attention and sometimes.. Sometimes I come in second even though I'm the one that's known him the longest. Somebody has to be there to pick him up when his heart gets broken and that's me. Nobody will do that for him if we're together and we break up." I explain to her quietly.

"You guys have known each other so long I doubt you guys would ever break up if you got together." I shrug, sighing a little.

"It doesn't matter right now." I say slowly. "Harry likes you." Toni blinks at me in surprise. "I told him not to scare you by asking you out right away. He might do it next week. Or you can ask him out now." I hope I don't sound as chocked up as I feel. My chest is tightening, my lungs squeezing so tight it's a wonder I can breathe right now.

"Harry likes me?" I nod.

"And if you like him back you should ask him out. He really is a good guy and you two would be great together." I tell her with a sad smile. "Don't.. Don't worry about me. Harry's my best friend and who knows.. You guys might not last that long." I tease. I'm actually joking around with Toni. Toni of all people! She laughs and I join in with her.

A week later, Toni and Harry are dating.

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